Legends of the Fall #7
Legends of the Fall #7
2 Mile and 10K Held at Jeffers Hill Elementary School 6001 Tamar Dr. Columbia
A prediction run is entirely different from other races that you’ve run in the past. Rather than finishing first or running the fastest, the object of a prediction run is to finish as close to a certain time as possible. In the case of the Howard County Striders prediction runs, the goal is to finish […]
Putting your membership due to work! Once again, the Striders are happy to announce that we've paid for the tracks to be lit twice per week for every week this winter. Mondays at Oakland Mills High School Wednesday at Centennial High School 6p to 8p
Join Feet First for their weekly Fun Runs every Thursday! They meet up at Feet First around 5:45 pm and take off at 6! Available routes: 2, 3, 4, and 6 miles.Disclaimer: This is not a Howard County Striders event but is included on the calendar so that members can find local group runs. We […]
10k group run that meets at Mad City Coffee Fridays @ 6AM Disclaimer: This is not a Howard County Striders event but is included on the calendar so members can find local group runs. We try to provide accurate information. Please get in touch with organizers for more information.
Every Saturday at 7 am, Striders and friends meet at the Columbia Swim Center parking lot to run anywhere from 6-20 miles. All paces are welcome. The run starts at 7 am SHARP! Plan to arrive early. If it is your first run with the group, introduce yourself, and you should be able to find […]