Vernal Velocity Series #3

54 runners came out to run the Howard County striders spring weekly series race at Northfield Elementary. Adam Wytko and Faye Weaver led the way in the 5k race. This was also the graduation race for the zero to weekly program. Congratulations to all those who completed their first race!

Race Lead: Donnie Chapman

Volunteers: Carrie Anderson, John Bratiotis, Melissa Burger, Nathan Capelle, Amanda Idstein, Loretta Farb, Mike Fleming, Dwight Mikulis, Kendra Smith, Ben Stein, Finley Stein, John Way, Stanley Way.

1. Adam Wytko              17:37
2. Karsten Brown           17:46
3. Mark Loeffler           18:18
4. Mark Eagles             18:31
5. Charles Bowles          18:36
6. Shelden Degenhardt      19:29
7. Yasuo Oda               20:10
8. John Chall              20:18
9. Jeffrey Garstecki       20:19
10. Evan Calvert           21:22
11. Chad Burger            21:31
12. Liam McCaffrey         21:54
13. Faye Weaver            22:10
14. Bromley Lowe           22:36
15. Celine Pisanic         22:41.6
16. Michael McNeil         22:41.9
17. Stephan Mulrain        23:10
18. Juan Fernandez         23:25
19. Robert Blanco          23:36
20. Lisa Pisanic           24:00
21. Marc Burger            25:00
22. Eric Johnston          25:03
23. Cindy Cohen            25:10
24. Bob Hollis             25:31
25. Blake Hoskins          25:38
26. Ed McCaffrey           25:43
27. Emily Howe             26:42.1
28. Brian Lawton           26:42.5
29. Samuel Barry           26:42.8
30. Ed Beach               27:09
31. Michelle Weaver        27:46
32. Roger Calvert          27:52
33. Caroline McCaffrey     29:58
34. Jack McMahon           30:10
35. Bill O'Hare            30:28
36. Karen Harvey           30:43
37. Pat Brooks             31:15
38. Ginger Rowley          31:22
39. Ella Bower             31:46.5
40. Kim Mccaffrey          31:46.9
41. Sharlene Deskins       31:47
42. Melinda Krummerich     34:13
43. Tara Costello          35:59
44. Kathy Bayer            36:01
45. Sarah Beach            36:02
46. Gwen Goode             41:08
47. Tim Ramsey             43:28
48. Mayurika Ghosh         46:04
49. Laura Adams            50:10
50. Ana Romero             50:18
51. Karen Fernandez        50:19
52. Lydia Romero-Johnson   52:15.0
53. Maria Tolentino        52:15.3
54. Kristine Tuori         52:15.7

Vernal Velocity Series #2

53 runners came out and beat the latest snowmageddon event to run the Howard County striders weekly series race at Clarksville Elementary. Gary Smolyak and Celine Pisanic were the two mile winners. Karsten Brown and Karen Young paced the Five mile race.

Race Lead: Jess Stern

Volunteers: John Bratiotis, Melissa Burger, Nathan Capelle, Donnie Chapman, Kendra Smith, Paula Stehle, Julie Trapp, John Way.

2 mile
1. Gary Smolyak          11:46
2. Daniel Smolyak        11:57
3. Ted Poulos            12:25
4. Michel McNeil         13:38
5. Celine Pisanic        14:57
6. Patrick Williams      15:20
7. Natalie Smolyak       15:23
8. Nathan Pisanic        16:23
9. Lisa Pisanic          16:24
10. Eric Baker           17:05
11. Dee Nelson           17:23
12. Kathryn Baker        19:40
13. Melinda Krummerich   20:01
14. Amanda Idstein       20:12
15. Ginger Rowley        20:13
16. Luke Hessler         23:58
17. Jose Camacho         24:51
18. Yash Patel           25:55
19. Sarai Patel          26:02
20. Jimmy Hessler        27:27
21. Anya Hessler         27:28
5 mile
1. Karsten Brown         29:34
2. Adam Wytko            30:02
3. Mark Loeffler         30:15
4. Mark Eagles           31:50
5. Lochlann Boyle        31:54
6. Jeffrey Garstecky     32:56
7. Steve Bohse           33:09
8. Yasuo Oda             33:19
9. Ken Sevik             33:54
10. Mark Bohse           34:05
11. Bob Burns            35:00
12. Robert Blanco        36:02
13. Chris Handy          36:04
14. Chad Burger          36:51
15. James Moreland       37:22
16. Bill Stahr           38:37
17. Alan Mulindwa        38:52
18. Kirk Gordon          39:09
19. Karen Young          39:17
20. Marc Burger          40:14
21. Marsha Demaree       41:33
22. Eric Johnston        43:41
23. David Ikels          43:46
24. Bruce Levine         43:47
25. Bethany McGee        45:38
26. Patty Swank          49:14
27. Mikail Ocasio        49:56
28. James Scarborough    49:57
29. Ryan McCullough      50:11.0
30. Kristin McCullough   50:11.7
31. Karen Harvey         1:06:14(off course ran long)
32. Emily Howe           1:06:15(off course ran long)

RRCA Club Challenge 10M

2014 RRCA Club Challenge Overall Results

2014 RRCA Club Challenge Team Results (Women Overall)

2014 RRCA Club Challenge Team Results (Men Overall)

2014 RRCA Club Challenge Team Results (Coed)

2014 RRCA Club Challenge Team Results (Women 1-39)

2014 RRCA Club Challenge Team Results (Men 1-39)

2014 RRCA Club Challenge Team Results (Women 40-49)

2014 RRCA Club Challenge Team Results (Men 40-49)

2014 RRCA Club Challenge Team Results (Women 50-59)

2014 RRCA Club Challenge Team Results (Men 50-59)

Resolution Run 8K Prediction Run

       New Years Day Resolution Run 2014 1/1/2014 Prediction Run

Order    Name                Sex/Age                       Finish Time
1    Parker, Matt             M20                          10:37:22.41
2    Thumel, Paige            F19     Ellicott City MD     10:37:25.30
3    Tsakaui, Ngoyane         F48                          10:42:07.29
4    Montgomery, Lorrraine    F30                          10:42:07.67
5    Rutz, Jennifer           F37     Ellicott City MD     10:46:07.17
6    Lowe, Bromley            M43     Hanover MD           10:47:00.41
7    Sacker, Olivia           F28                          10:47:27.78
8    Dietzius, Eric           M43     Catonsville MD       10:49:04.77
9    Howes, Stacie            F37                          10:51:02.91
10   Metakes, Juliette        F44     Laurel MD            10:51:03.16
11   Egan, Martha             F51                          10:51:10.16
12   Dooley, Bill             M56     Ellicott City MD     10:51:44.16
13   Castor, Chimene          F44     Columbia MD          10:52:04.91
14   F, Alyssa                F43                          10:52:04.92
15   Alonso, Rene             F49     Savage MD            10:52:06.42
16   May, Timothy M           M48     Columbia MD          10:53:22.41
17   May, Maria               F48     Columbia MD          10:53:22.66
18   Schreier, Ken            M64     Columbia MD          10:53:36.43
19   Day, Tracy               F44     Columbia MD          10:53:38.92
20   Solomotis, Marianne      F58     Columbia MD          10:53:42.91
21   Sacker, Gabriella        F32                          10:54:02.27
22   Schrott, Debbie          F45     Ellicott City MD     10:54:07.17
23   Goedert, Connie          F57                          10:54:27.67
24   Kajiura, Robyn W         F50     Columbia MD          10:54:27.67
25   Towner, Fred             M50     Fulton MD            10:54:33.54
26   Newkirk, Mary            F56                          10:54:33.79
27   O'Connor, Linda          F45     Odenton MD           10:54:33.93
28   Beck, Monica             F46     Columbia MD          10:54:34.19
29   Soverns, Mary Beth       F54     Ellicott City MD     10:54:47.53
30   Gordon, Bruce            M58     Fulton MD            10:55:37.91
31   Gates, Cameron           M10     Laurel MD            10:56:50.29
32   Ailinger, Sondra         F45     Laurel MD            10:57:01.91
33   Anderson, Betsy          F30                          10:57:02.41
34   Sevik, Phyllis           F49     Ellicott City MD     10:57:08.27
35   Sevik, Kenneth           M49     Ellicott City MD     10:57:08.66
36   Rabe, Ellen H            F65     Columbia MD          10:57:25.42
37   Santillan, Sophia        F34     Annapolis MD         10:57:39.16
38   Cockerham, Ross          M33     Columbia MD          10:57:42.05
39   Aldrich, Andrea          F36     Ellicott City MD     10:57:42.18
40   Proctor, Ansley          F26     Columbia MD          10:57:42.53
41   Guerrasio, Marc          M43     Sykesville MD        10:57:43.41
42   Turner, Wendy            F40     Glenelg MD           10:57:43.91
43   Wilkerson, Pat           F54     Columbia MD          10:57:50.16
44   Laun, Pattie             F56     Ellicott City MD     10:57:51.43
45   Radant, Steve            M58     Columbia MD          10:57:51.92
46   Logue, Thomas            M53     Columbia MD          10:57:53.78
47   Snelling, William        M56     Columbia MD          10:57:53.92
48   Wargo, Stephen           M43     Laurel MD            10:57:54.54
49   Lehtonen, John           M50     Columbia MD          10:57:54.91
50   Murphy, Patricia         F55     Laurel MD            10:57:55.67
51   Smith, Debbie            F56     Fulton MD            10:57:59.18
52   Smith, Becky             F45                          10:57:59.19
53   Loeb, Martin             M65     Columbia MD          10:58:00.43
54   Crumpton, Rosanna        F33                          10:58:00.77
55   Lackey, Nanette          F37                          10:58:01.29
56   Johnson, Todd O          M49     Columbia MD          10:58:02.93
57   Johnson, Pamela          F50     Columbia MD          10:58:03.41
58   Barker, Tim              M56                          10:58:04.78
59   Burger, Marc J           M41     Columbia MD          10:58:10.54
60   Howe, Emily F            F39     Ellicott City MD     10:58:11.19
61   Fernandez, Juan C        M49     Ellicott City MD     10:58:11.54
62   Edwards, Thomas          M59                          10:58:12.41
63   Kirk-Davidoff, Daniel    M45     Columbia MD          10:58:18.52
64   Fleming, Mike            M68     Columbia MD          10:58:23.42
65   Demaree, Marsha          F49     Marriottsville MD    10:58:23.44
66   Anderson, Carrie         F31     Columbia MD          10:58:28.42
67   Hollis, Bob              M66     Columbia MD          10:58:29.02
68   Knoll, Steve             M48     Columbia MD          10:58:30.42
69   Eagles, Mark             M20     Ellicott City MD     10:58:34.19
70   Arbelaez, Bill           M57     Columbia MD          10:58:35.41
71   Proctor, Cameron         M18     Columbia MD          10:58:41.67
72   Flynn, Kevin             M46     Sykesville MD        10:58:41.67
73   Kirk-Davidoff, Paul      M18     Columbia MD          10:58:42.29
74   Allera, Lynda            F52     Columbia MD          10:58:43.43
75   Nissenberg, Leslie       F53     Ellicott City MD     10:58:43.92
76   McKelvin, Shuntae        F33     Columbia MD          10:58:44.68
77   Green, Tom               M63     Columbia MD          10:58:46.45
78   Reid, Eric               M35     Columbia MD          10:58:46.94
79   Bohse, Michael           M50     Columbia MD          10:58:47.53
80   Murach, Cecilia          F35     Arbutus MD           10:58:49.06
81   Proctor, Kelly           F44     Columbia MD          10:58:49.20
82   Alpern, Stephen E        M66     Columbia MD          10:58:49.55
83   An, Amanda               F26     Ellicott City MD     10:58:49.69
84   An, Peter                M60                          10:58:49.92
85   Weber, Judith            F54     Ellicott City MD     10:58:50.28
86   Wilson, Ed               M51     Ellicott City MD     10:58:52.29
87   Vo, Dong                 M56     Columbia MD          10:58:53.67
88   Boucher, Dennis          M51     Columbia MD          10:58:55.42
89   Horrocks, Jonathan       M17     Ellicott City MD     10:58:56.68
90   Wasserman, Nadia         F67     Columbia MD          10:58:58.42
91   Hemler, Bob F            M59     Ellicott City MD     10:58:58.43
92   Weber, Ron               M61     Ellicott City MD     10:58:58.55
93   Warfield, Jerry N        M69     Columbia MD          10:58:58.93
94   Williams, Seth           M32     Ellicott City MD     10:58:58.93
95   Szewczyk, Stephanie      F33     Columbia MD          10:59:00.95
96   Calvert, Roger L         M63     Ellicott City MD     10:59:01.54
97   Hughey, Rick             M49     Ellicott City MD     10:59:01.93
98   Singer, Kelly            F37     Ellicott City MD     10:59:05.42
99   Kulausky, David          M34                          10:59:06.53
100   Costello, Shannon        F37     Columbia MD          10:59:08.43
101   Ueckermann, Donna        F49     Columbia MD          10:59:09.17
102   Dawson, Sean             M45     Jessup MD            10:59:12.53
103   Renjifo, Jorge           M28     Odenton MD           10:59:14.53
104   Steeves, Jeremy          M30     Columbia MD          10:59:17.18
105   Mamula, Robert           M42     Severn MD            10:59:18.78
106   Morakinyo, Akintunde     M50     Ellicott City MD     10:59:19.56
107   Peterman, Peter          M55     Ellicott City MD     10:59:19.67
108   Plantz, Kenneth          M59     Columbia MD          10:59:20.17
109   Thumel, Julie            F21     Ellicott City MD     10:59:20.53
110   Leiber, Brad             M27                          10:59:20.53
111   Thumel, Carroll          M53     Ellicott City MD     10:59:20.53
112   Horrocks, David          M44     Ellicott City MD     10:59:21.57
113   Lang, Philip             M46     Columbia MD          10:59:24.54
114   Tripp, Jason I           M41     Ellicott City MD     10:59:24.77
115   Bell, Jonathan           M32                          10:59:28.42
116   Brooks, Patricia E       F63     Ellicott City MD     10:59:28.92
117   Rogers, Philip           M33     Ellicott City MD     10:59:29.03
118   Blanco, Robert           M40     Ellicott City MD     10:59:29.19
119   Tominack, Alan           M41     Savage MD            10:59:30.19
120   Dawson, Nicole           F19     Jessup MD            10:59:30.94
121   Ailinger, Ben            M17     Laurel MD            10:59:32.17
122   Pochettino, Owen         M17     Laurel MD            10:59:32.20
123   Schuler, Jason           M16     Laurel MD            10:59:32.29
124   Zimmerman, Ginny         F35                          10:59:33.68
125   Mahoney, Jim             M51     Columbia MD          10:59:36.02
126   Beckett, Dorothy         F56     Columbia MD          10:59:39.28
127   Lang, Vicki              F45     Columbia MD          10:59:42.19
128   Jun, David               M29     Ellicott City MD     10:59:42.28
129   McGovern, Stephen        M57     Ellicott City MD     10:59:46.92
130   Maccormack, Bill         M71     Ellicott City MD     10:59:47.42
131   Nelson, Jane             F42                          10:59:48.67
132   Zimmerman, Stefan        M35     Ellicott City MD     10:59:48.93
133   Bevan, Matthew           M55     Silver Spring MD     10:59:49.53
134   Spohn, Steven            M41     Ellicott City MD     10:59:51.43
135   Andrews, Michael         M45     Columbia MD          10:59:54.29
136   Beach, Edward            M50     Columbia MD          10:59:55.18
137   Liu, Ye                  M37     Clarksville MD       10:59:57.78
138   McCoy, Kevin              M0     Clarksville MD       10:59:58.78
139   Bainbridge, Matthew      M34     Cambridge MD         11:00:01.20 ** Winner
140   Hogue, David             M35     Laurel MD            11:00:02.42
141   Hermstein, Ryan          M18     Ellicott City MD     11:00:02.68
142   Hermstein, Marc          M47     Ellicott City MD     11:00:02.91
143   Barker, Tony             M34                          11:00:03.79
144   Ueckermann, Jerry        M54     Columbia MD          11:00:06.52
145   Rowley, Ginger A         F52     Clarksville MD       11:00:06.79
146   Tarkow, David            M47     Columbia MD          11:00:07.27
147   Ailinger, Heather        F14     Laurel MD            11:00:09.20
148   Schuler, Greg            M53     Laurel MD            11:00:09.28
149   Niland, Margaret         F16     Laurel MD            11:00:09.54
150   Coll, Tiana               F0     Woodbine MD          11:00:13.68
151   Bennett, Carl            M41                          11:00:18.92
152   Fairley, Nick            M19     Ellicott City MD     11:00:24.91
153   Fairley, Kedre           F47     Ellicott City MD     11:00:24.92
154   Stein, Ben P             M45     Columbia MD          11:00:25.68
155   Williams, Amanda         F31                          11:00:27.43
156   Calvert, Evan            M28     Ellicott City MD     11:00:29.91
157   Harvey, Karen            F57     Ellicott City MD     11:00:30.92
158   Martin, Chris            M41     Columbia MD          11:00:42.17
159   Lepore, Gregory          M43     Columbia MD          11:00:46.41
160   Grover, Jim              M62     Columbia MD          11:00:53.68
161   Shaikh, Hafiz            M35     Columbia MD          11:00:57.77
162   Chapman, Donnie          M52     Clarksville MD       11:00:58.42
163   Terry, Eleanor           F51                          11:01:04.92
164   Patchan, Bob             M47     Columbia MD          11:01:07.42
165   M, R                     M63                          11:01:09.53
166   Andadari, Gita           F17                          11:01:15.53
167   Bird-Walker, Maitreya    F16     Columbia MD          11:01:15.91
168   Grover, Debbie           F58     Columbia MD          11:01:20.66
169   Murphy-Morris, Jeanine   F53     Ellicott City MD     11:01:22.43
170   Perkins, Natalie         F14     Laurel MD            11:01:32.92
171   Kirk-Davidoff, Rosa      F14     Columbia MD          11:01:33.04
172   Hannon, Elizabeth        F31     Columbia MD          11:01:42.77
173   Skinner, Julia           F37     Baltimore MD         11:01:46.28
174   Bosley, Sherry           F52     Ellicott City MD     11:01:54.92
175   Bosley, John D           M61     Ellicott City MD     11:01:55.31
176   Owens, Russ              M40     Columbia MD          11:02:19.91
177   Misner, Andrea           F48     Columbia MD          11:02:34.17
178   Kroeker, Ferne           F58     Columbia MD          11:02:34.66
179   McDonough, Bob           M69                          11:02:37.17
180   Henry, Byron             M49     Laurel MD            11:02:46.67
181   Waheed, Sana             F24     Columbia MD          11:03:10.67
182   Korman, Amy              F53     Columbia MD          11:03:21.17
183   Sinclair, Tracy          F41     Columbia MD          11:03:23.17
184   Gates, Evelyn            F14     Laurel MD            11:03:26.78
185   Fedarko, Neal S          M55     Columbia MD          11:03:38.05
186   Black, Lauren            F53     Laurel MD            11:05:25.04
187   Perkins, Cindy           F51     Laurel MD            11:05:25.19
188   Fairley, Darryl          M47     Ellicott City MD     11:05:31.66
189   Fairley, Gabby           F14                          11:05:31.93
190   Riddler, Julie           F47     Ellicott City MD     11:06:43.55
191   Riddler, David           M44     Ellicott City MD     11:06:43.92
192   Niland, Mark             M12                          11:08:03.66
193   Broderick, Victoria      F22                          11:08:10.52
194   Vassallo, Rachel         F22                          11:08:11.66
195   Pineo, Linda D           F52     Columbia MD          11:08:29.66
196   Gum, Susan               F56     Columbia MD          11:08:32.66
197   Niland, Mary             F48     Laurel MD            11:08:41.42
198   Miland, Martin           M50                          11:13:03.91

Operation Iceberg Series #2

52 runners took part in the 1st official race offering of the Howard County Striders winter weekly series at Hammond High School.  Karsten Brown and Perla Rodriguez were the winners of the 5k race.

Race Lead:  Donnie Chapman

Volunteers:  John Bratiotis, Nathan Capelle, John Chall, Weems McFadden, Dwight Mikulis, Lynn Sanetrik, Julie Trapp.

1. Karsten Brown          18:16
2. Mark Eagles            19:06
3. James Blackwood        19:27
4. Mark Loeffler          19:47
5. Sheldon Degenhardt     19:53
6. Lochlann Boyle         20:39
7. Tom Mammacos           20:44
8. John Way               21:20
9. Joe Haber              21:32
10. Evan Calvert          22:20
11. Perla Rodriguez       22:38
12. Chad Burger           22:48
13. Robert Blanco         22:51
14. Steve Wright          23:01
15. Kendra Smith          23:11
16. Michael McNeil        23:17
17. Harry Rowell          23:21
18. Bomley Lowe           23:33
19. Andrew Pontius        24:02
20. Alan Mulindwa         24:12
21. Jim Pontius           24:17
22. Terri Wytko           24:33
23. Jeff Carlson          24:46
24. Yasuo Oda             25:10
25. Mike Fleming          25:58
26. Adam Vander Herde     26:15
27. Shalyn Howard         26:28
28. Eric Johnston         26:45
29. Connor Croft          26:49
30. Mikie Allen           26:51
31. Brenda Allen          26:53
32. Ivan Croft            27:23
33. Cindy Cohen           27:45
34. Faye Weaver           27:58
35. Austin Dress          28:02
36. Holden Dress          28:03
37. Becca Pontius         28:08
38. James Scarborough     28:12
39. Chris Martin          28:44
40. Roger Calvert         29:18
41. Sari Chapman          29:54
42. Sebastian Silberman   30:06
43. Geoff Silberman       30:07
44. Mikail Ocasio         30:44
45. Peter An              30:48.2
46. Amanda An             30:48.8
47. Jack McMahon          31:47
48. Daniel Sanford        32:48
49. Melinda Krummerich    33:39
50. Ginger Rowley         33:54
51. Jennifer Dress        39:12
52. Tessa Dress           40:23

Turkey Trot 10K Prediction Run

Turkey Trot Prediction Run 2013 11/28/2013 Prediction Run
   Pl  Bib    Name                     XAge  Hometown                          Time
     1 44     Proctor, Kelly           F44   Columbia MD                10:30:20.16
     2 188    Johnston, Beverly        F56   Columbia MD                10:30:20.92
     3 307    Misher, Andrea           F48                              10:30:21.41
     4 30     Clayton, Cameron         M24                              10:32:07.17
     5 340    Waheed, Sana             F24   Columbia MD                10:32:08.65
     6 200    Shelley, Bill            M55                              10:32:15.66
     7 453    Duffy, Michael           M40   Ellicott City MD           10:33:33.42
     8 194    Cahn, Karla              F29                              10:33:38.41
     9 466    Henderson, Clint         M57   Columbia MD                10:36:03.87
    10 372    Duarte, Rigoberto        M53   Columbia MD                10:36:10.92
    11 399    Hudgins, Addison         F21                              10:36:28.17
    12 452    McKelvin, Shuntae        F33                              10:38:34.22
    13 380    Crump, Nia               F16                              10:39:22.39
    14 311    Sackrim, Gabriella       F31                              10:40:41.45
    15 320    Day, Tracy               F43   Columbia MD                10:41:57.97
    16 379    Crump, Danielle          F42   Ellicott City MD           10:42:51.66
    17 111    Belkova, Kristina        F28                              10:44:16.71
    18 101    Scurr, Olan              U28                              10:44:16.73
    19 397    Edwards, Jack            M61   Clarksburg MD              10:44:55.23
    20 461    Lee, Suki                F51   Dayton MD                  10:44:58.97
    21 345    Velasquez, Aleida        F37   Columbia MD                10:45:01.74
    22 362    Shimabukuro, Kelli       F52   Columbia MD                10:45:02.79
    23 342    Hess, Susan              F58                              10:45:35.22
    24 489    Lackey, Nanette          F37                              10:45:59.46
    25 581    Lawson, John             M18                              10:47:07.40
    26 343    Gallager, Susan          F25                              10:47:18.21
    27 344    Hess, Kristen            F32                              10:47:18.23
    28 472    Cheng, Allison           F25                              10:47:23.46
    29 471    Cheng, Emily             F28                              10:47:23.48
    30 335    Allea, Lynda             F52                              10:47:49.21
    31 309    Thomas, Greg             M63   Columbia MD                10:47:49.67
    32 505    Riddler, David           M44   Ellicott City MD           10:48:16.46
    33 484    Riddler, Sharon          F53                              10:48:16.47
    34 330    Yang, Julie              F40                              10:48:19.22
    35 334    Keane, Lauren            F26   Sykesville MD              10:49:25.48
    36 214    Shapero, Molly           F22   Columbia MD                10:49:25.49
    37 326    Flynn, Michelle          F48   Sykesville MD              10:49:48.90
    38 354    Crumpton, Rosanna        F33                              10:49:53.47
    39 474    Scianella, Tim           M15                              10:50:25.14
    40 398    Just, Janet              F48                              10:50:37.21
    41 370    Kajiura, Robyn W         F50   Columbia MD                10:50:38.72
    42 538    Liu, Ye                  M37   Clarksville MD             10:51:18.89
    43 356    Troncoso, Juan           M64   Ellicott City MD           10:51:29.14
    44 475    Katkow, Eric A           M69   Columbia MD                10:51:30.65
    45 365    Barker, Rachel           F31                              10:51:50.47
    46 578    Mitchell, Andreas        M22   Ellicott City MD           10:52:41.22
    47 577    Mitchell, Agneta         F58                              10:52:41.47
    48 485    Lauver, Kristen          F55   Columbia MD                10:52:41.97
    49 357    Troncoso, Pamela         F32                              10:52:44.21
    50 351    McGowan, Sean            M51                              10:53:13.39
    51 348    Maccormack, Bill         M71   Ellicott City MD           10:53:17.21
    52 463    Lasek, Mark              M35   West Friendship MD         10:53:28.46
    53 473    Sciannella, Bill         M56   Columbia MD                10:53:29.23
    54 319    Berlin, Nicholas         M33   Columbia MD                10:53:33.71
    55 318    Berlin, Charles          M29   Columbia MD                10:53:34.73
    56 382    Wheatland, John A        M64   Columbia MD                10:53:44.90
    57 142    Hall, Lucinda            F51   Clarksville MD             10:54:46.71
    58 844    Lin, Frank               M60                              10:54:58.73
    59 355    Lucas, Anna              F31   Washington DC              10:55:01.23
    60 540    Mallare, Stacy           F31   Columbia MD                10:55:01.97
    61 494    Sutton, Thomas           M34   Columbia MD                10:55:19.16
    62 388    Pearce, Scott            M43   Columbia MD                10:55:25.42
    63 573    Kreft, Michael           M53   Ellicott City MD           10:55:26.16
    64 460    Horrocks, Laura          F36                              10:55:36.24
    65 480    Carballo, Marita         F32   Columbia MD                10:55:36.40
    66 541    Striebach, Nick          M18                              10:55:36.46
    67 490    Sachs, Rebecca           F17   Columbia MD                10:55:36.89
    68 352    Rowley, Ginger A         F52   Clarksville MD             10:55:38.49
    69 371    Krummerich, Melinda      F55   Elkridge MD                10:55:39.25
    70 377    Boyce, Megan             F9    Sykesville MD              10:55:45.48
    71 547    Tripp, William           M11   Ellicott City MD           10:55:53.14
    72 1956   Spedden, Rick            M59   Clarksville MD             10:56:02.24
    73 483    King, Bob                M60                              10:56:10.48
    74 385    Spohn, Steven            M41                              10:56:11.41
    75 336    Hamill, David            M43   Marriottsville MD          10:56:11.97
    76 1953   Dunham, Dan              M34   Columbia MD                10:56:20.98
    77 487    Brittingham, Joan        F50   Clarksville MD             10:56:22.14
    78 391    Loeb, Martin             M65   Columbia MD                10:56:23.49
    79 160    Hall, Robert             M55   Clarksville MD             10:56:25.23
    80 314    Kim, Anne                F53   Ellicott City MD           10:56:31.22
    81 317    Kim, Pat                 F46   Ellicott City MD           10:56:31.99
    82 322    Weissgerber, Carl        M67                              10:56:35.21
    83 574    Sawetrik, Mark           M44                              10:56:35.42
    84 358    Rodgers, Mary            F59   Columbia MD                10:56:45.65
    85 486    Devlin, Tom              M55                              10:56:45.65
    86 390    Levine, Bruce            M44   Columbia MD                10:56:53.14
    87 506    Riddler, Julie           F47   Ellicott City MD           10:56:54.40
    88 771    Johnston, Eric           M49   Ellicott City MD           10:56:54.64
    89 959    Bosley, Sherry           F52   Ellicott City MD           10:56:57.01
    90 841    Hannagan, Denise         F51   Ellicott City MD           10:57:03.40
    91 349    Mamula, Robert           M42   Severn MD                  10:57:07.96
    92 310    Williams, Amanda         F31                              10:57:10.22
    93 306    Zajae, Alex              F25                              10:57:10.46
    94 462    Lee, Norm                M51                              10:57:11.73
    95 502    Levine, Benjamin         M16   Columbia MD                10:57:13.47
    96 327    Williams, Seth           M32   Ellicott City MD           10:57:13.48
    97 364    Clark, Nicole            F21   Ellicott City MD           10:57:24.48
    98 363    Clark, Susan             F51   Ellicott City MD           10:57:25.21
    99 488    Brittingham, Zack        M21   Clarksville MD             10:57:29.97
   100 1954   Watson, Sue              F65   Columbia MD                10:57:30.99
   101 1955   Cowan, Elizabeth         F28   Columbia MD                10:57:32.16
   102 626    McDonough, Robert M      M69                              10:57:33.21
   103 368    Elkonoh, Michael         M52   Columbia MD                10:57:34.21
   104 339    Wasserman, Nadia         F67   Columbia MD                10:57:37.24
   105 1951   Lascola, Kevin           M40   Columbia MD                10:57:37.48
   106 456    Horrocks, Andrew         M12   Ellicott City MD           10:57:39.15
   107 459    Ackley, David            M30                              10:57:39.40
   108 455    Horrocks, David          M43   Ellicott City MD           10:57:41.21
   109 464    Bevan, Matthew           M55   Silver Spring MD           10:57:42.90
   110 316    Okiebisu, Nancy          F51   Ellicott City MD           10:57:47.91
   111 1946   Tripp, Joshua K          M38   Columbia MD                10:57:50.23
   112 347    Schneider, June          F66   Millersville MD            10:57:57.71
   113 386    Bendel, Jim              M48   Columbia MD                10:57:59.14
   114 1948   Howe, Tim                M51   Ellicott City MD           10:58:04.73
   115 782    Carballo, William        M32   Columbia MD                10:58:04.99
   116 843    Cohen, Deborah           F57   Ellicott City MD           10:58:09.98
   117 481    Lano, Kate               F33                              10:58:10.71
   118 360    Lano, Daniel             M31                              10:58:10.87
   119 1958   Woods, Scott             M39   Ellicott City MD           10:58:11.73
   120 510    Woods, Dick              M67   Ellicott City MD           10:58:11.91
   121 969    Conran, Troy E           M52   Westminister MD            10:58:13.72
   122 468    Wilson, Jonathan         M37   Columbia MD                10:58:15.71
   123 389    Crandell, Ken            M60   Columbia MD                10:58:18.47
   124 375    Calvert, Roger L         M63   Ellicott City MD           10:58:19.20
   125 631    Wilkerson, Pat           F54   Columbia MD                10:58:19.93
   126 550    Grover, Debbie           F58   Columbia MD                10:58:20.39
   127 564    Shaikh, Hafiz            M34   Columbia MD                10:58:20.97
   128 964    Fedarko, Neal S          M55   Columbia MD                10:58:21.17
   129 361    Vo, Dong                 M56   Columbia MD                10:58:22.21
   130 535    Newman, Jay              M0    Ellicott City MD           10:58:23.51
   131 525    Green, Tom               M63   Columbia MD                10:58:25.90
   132 970    Owens, Russ              M40   Columbia MD                10:58:25.92
   133 546    McManuels, Ellie         F39   Columbia MD                10:58:25.98
   134 384    Weber, Judith            F54   Ellicott City MD           10:58:26.73
   135 315    Lim, Sang                M61   Ellicott City MD           10:58:27.44
   136 476    Rhoton, Rob              M21                              10:58:27.72
   137 531    Kroeker, Michael         M21   Columbia MD                10:58:28.40
   138 536    Lehtonen, John           M50   Columbia MD                10:58:35.24
   139 117    Waissgerber, Kurt        M32                              10:58:38.21
   140 479    Harvey, Karen            F56   Ellicott City MD           10:58:41.99
   141 478    Grufferman, Steven       M60   Ellicott City MD           10:58:43.99
   142 840    Ocasio, Mikail           M32   Baltimore MD               10:58:46.25
   143 590    Hollis, Bob              M66   Columbia MD                10:58:46.75
   144 393    Rosicky, Bryce           M16   Columbia MD                10:58:49.22
   145 135    Hall, Fergus             M16   Clarksville MD             10:58:49.50
   146 346    Bernard, Timothy         M16   Columbia MD                10:58:49.65
   147 518    McCaffery, Adam          M34   Columbia MD                10:58:50.22
   148 395    Rosicky, John            M49   Columbia MD                10:58:50.23
   149 498    Burger, Chad             M35   Columbia MD                10:58:52.97
   150 482    Lano, Erin               F31                              10:58:54.67
   151 962    Zaron, Mike              M33   Ellicott City MD           10:58:54.73
   152 313    Brooks, Patricia E       F63   Ellicott City MD           10:58:55.67
   153 1943   McIntyre, Janelle        F48   Ellicott City MD           10:58:55.97
   154 973    Beckett, Dorothy         F56   Columbia MD                10:58:56.17
   155 965    Weathers, Robert         M45   Crofton MD                 10:58:56.24
   156 977    Geoghegan, Seth          M34   Columbia MD                10:58:57.25
   157 961    Skaggs, Matthew          M33   Columbia MD                10:58:57.75
   158 359    Lano, Matt               M31                              10:58:57.89
   159 632    Lebro, Craig             M27   Columbia MD                10:58:58.42
   160 974    Hogue, David             M35   Laurel MD                  10:58:59.22
   161 497    DiPietro, Jen            F28                              10:59:00.44
   162 587    Goldblatt, Scott         M39   Columbia MD                10:59:00.90
   163 543    Wilson, Evan             M21   Columbia MD                10:59:00.97
   164 542    Gloor, Dana              F46   Columbia MD                10:59:00.98
   165 814    Weinberger, Larry        M61                              10:59:01.90
   166 960    Olenick, Stephen M       M37   Ellicott City MD           10:59:02.24
   167 968    Oaksmith, Scott          M42   Ellicott City MD           10:59:02.48
   168 801    Burns, Bob               M61   Columbia MD                10:59:02.73
   169 563    Wytko, Adam              M32   Columbia MD                10:59:05.47
   170 114    Burger, Marc J           M41   Columbia MD                10:59:06.64
   171 392    Rosicky, Ben             M14   Columbia MD                10:59:07.43
   172 582    Cook, Jackie             F32   Laurel MD                  10:59:07.46
   173 562    McGee, Timothy           M36   Columbia MD                10:59:07.71
   174 491    Lamonte, Joe A           M33   Denver CO                  10:59:07.98
   175 492    Kim, Luke                M33   Fulton MD                  10:59:08.43
   176 376    Boyce, Mckenna           F11   Sykesville MD              10:59:08.92
   177 378    Boyce, Steve             M44   Sykesville MD              10:59:09.22
   178 500    Lang, Tiffany            F19   Columbia MD                10:59:09.40
   179 544    Neaman, Jeff             M28                              10:59:09.49
   180 522    Ghaffarian, Zohreh       F62   Columbia MD                10:59:09.97
   181 575    Broussau, Chuck          M38                              10:59:10.26
   182 1949   Landre, Bob              M61                              10:59:12.25
   183 353    McGowan, Lisa            F49                              10:59:13.97
   184 1960   Meyer, Erin              F42   Columbia MD                10:59:13.97
   185 1952   Stein, Ben P             M45   Columbia MD                10:59:15.25
   186 1961   Reeves, Jesse            M40   Rockville MD               10:59:16.24
   187 1944   Vogel, Robert            M53   Woodstock MD               10:59:16.74
   188 976    Xu, Xinhua               M51   Clarksville MD             10:59:17.74
   189 798    Burns, Nancy             F59   Columbia MD                10:59:17.92
   190 534    Gittermann, Megan        F31   Columbia MD                10:59:18.49
   191 539    Gordon, Stacey           F40   Columbia MD                10:59:18.90
   192 324    Flynn, Kevin             M46   Sykesville MD              10:59:19.23
   193 975    Warfield, Jerry N        M69   Columbia MD                10:59:20.16
   194 499    Grover, Jim              M61   Columbia MD                10:59:20.66
   195 533    Goines, Lisa             F41   Ellicott City MD           10:59:21.47
   196 350    Lamont, Mark             M25   Arbutus MD                 10:59:22.15
   197 496    Liu, Tammy               F46                              10:59:25.49
   198 565    Antoine, Miquel          F50   Columbia MD                10:59:26.24
   199 572    Buck, Silas              M16                              10:59:26.72
   200 555    Allera, J.p.             M24                              10:59:27.99
   201 566    Robinson, Bryan          M27                              10:59:30.67
   202 515    Andrews, Kyle            M23   Columbia MD                10:59:32.48
   203 1947   Howe, Emily F            F39   Ellicott City MD           10:59:40.22
   204 394    Rosicky, Julie           F44   Columbia MD                10:59:40.39
   205 579    Schuler, Greg            M53   Laurel MD                  10:59:40.65
   206 1950   Oda, Yasuo               M51   Ellicott City MD           10:59:43.46
   207 509    Serrao, Gordon           M22   Ellicott City MD           10:59:43.90
   208 457    Horrocks, John           M36                              10:59:49.73
   209 458    Horrocks, Paul           M42                              10:59:50.17
   210 373    Reinhardt, Richard       M35   Laurel MD                  10:59:52.71
   211 508    Serrao, Gloria J         F54   Ellicott City MD           10:59:52.97
   212 568    Wilson, Ed               M51   Ellicott City MD           10:59:54.96
   213 1959   Lebro, Sarah             F25   Columbia MD                10:59:56.16
  *214 966    Dusenbery, Michael H     M35   Columbia MD                10:59:58.39 *** 2nd Place ***
  *215 507    Riddler, Scott           M48                              10:59:59.98 *** 1st Place ***
   216 467    Wilson, Robin            F31   Columbia MD                11:00:03.91
   217 477    Wang, Alex               F22   Ellicott City MD           11:00:09.71
   218 963    Farley, Kedre            F47                              11:00:17.66
   219 1945   Fairly, Darryl           M46                              11:00:19.96
   220 549    Tripp, Jane              F14   Ellicott City MD           11:00:21.16
   221 548    Tripp, Jason I           M41   Ellicott City MD           11:00:21.42
   222 532    Broderick, Victoria      F22                              11:00:23.24
   223 849    Lin, Pattie              F22   Ellicott City MD           11:00:23.50
   224 470    Friss, Evan              M33   New York NY                11:00:26.91
   225 291    Mang, Stephen            M32   Columbia MD                11:00:30.98
   226 338    Blanco, Robert           M40   Ellicott City MD           11:00:31.47
   227 366    Barker, Tony             M34                              11:00:32.22
   228 527    McIntyre, Devin          F15   Ellicott City MD           11:00:38.24
   229 528    McIntyre, Riley          F22   Ellicott City MD           11:00:38.66
   230 512    Gessler, Katie           F22   Ellicott City MD           11:00:40.99
   231 513    Gessler, Amy             F18   Ellicott City MD           11:00:41.16
   232 603    Jun, David               M29   Ellicott City MD           11:00:41.92
   233 585    Ueckermann, Jerry        M54   Columbia MD                11:00:42.24
   234 167    Hall, Tobias             M20   Clarksville MD             11:00:47.24
   235 604    Nellis, Brett            M20   Columbia MD                11:00:47.89
   236 583    Kreft, Emily             F43   Ellicott City MD           11:00:48.22
   237 972    Orlofsky, Greg F         M40   Columbia MD                11:00:55.22
   238 545    Lucas, Christopher       M27                              11:00:55.51
   239 493    Sutton, Karen            F37   Columbia MD                11:01:04.67
   240 495    Sutton, Paul             M32   Columbia MD                11:01:04.74
   241 553    Bohse, Michael           M50   Columbia MD                11:01:06.50
   242 516    Bohse, Stephen           M46   Columbia MD                11:01:07.16
   243 325    Flynn, Natalie           F16   Sykesville MD              11:01:09.39
   244 722    Kramer, Robert           M18                              11:01:12.90
   245 967    Hermstein, Ryan          M18   Ellicott City MD           11:01:13.14
   246 588    Riddler, Griffin         M17   Ellicott City MD           11:01:13.47
   247 909    Font, Alec               M17   Ellicott City MD           11:01:19.89
   248 511    Lowe, Bromley            M43   Hanover MD                 11:01:26.73
   249 589    Durkee, Andrew           M17   Ellicott City MD           11:01:27.64
   250 199    Koenig, Scott            M44   Sykesville MD              11:01:45.71
   251 1957   McFadden, Weems          M56   Annapolis MD               11:01:46.48
   252 580    Cysneiros, Carlos        M45   Columbia MD                11:01:52.22
   253 576    Sachs, Adam G            M50   Columbia MD                11:01:53.73
   254 367    Weaver, Faye             F40   Ellicott City MD           11:01:58.64
   255 454    Fleming, Mike            M68   Columbia MD                11:02:01.39
   256 1962   Steinecke, John          M54   Laurel MD                  11:02:13.23
   257 537    Riss, Sue                F48                              11:02:13.43
   258 514    Gessler, Bobby           M56   Ellicott City MD           11:02:14.48
   259 530    McIntyre, Keith R        M55   Ellicott City MD           11:02:18.48
   260 387    Demaree, Marsha          F49   Marriottsville MD          11:02:26.14
   261 570    Wilson, Dan              M27                              11:02:39.91
   262 586    Ueckermann, Matthew      M14   Columbia MD                11:02:49.22
   263 569    Wilson, Claire           F24   Ellicott City MD           11:02:54.17
   264 329    Neal, William            M51   Ellicott City MD           11:02:55.23
   265 328    Ramsey, Mac              M62   Columbia MD                11:02:56.90
   266 971    Deskins, Sharlene        F49   Seabrook MD                11:02:57.23
   267 120    Waissgerber, Nina        F28                              11:03:24.89
   268 554    Smith, Jason             M34   Washington DC              11:03:40.15
   269 863    Logue, Tom               M52   Columbia MD                11:03:44.74
   270 571    Logue, Trip              M17   Columbia MD                11:03:59.48
   271 469    Friss, Amanda            F34   New York NY                11:04:07.74
   272 560    Belson, Connor           M20   Columbia MD                11:04:08.65
   273 520    McGowan, David           M20   Clarksville MD             11:04:08.74
   274 308    Murbach, Mary            F44                              11:04:20.66
   275 521    Bomasang, Ellen          F42   Arlington VA               11:04:49.22
   276 561    Sapp, Michael            M44   Columbia MD                11:04:58.46
   277 517    Rawlinson, Andrew        M40   Kensington MD              11:05:02.23
   278 524    Schofield, Kelly         F20   Ellicott City MD           11:05:21.73
   279 567    Wilson, Colleen          F20   Ellicott City MD           11:05:21.91
   280 523    Ghaffarian, Jamal        M65   Columbia MD                11:06:01.47
   281 552    Chall, John W            M56   Crownsville MD             11:06:03.71
   282 396    Gilbert, Michelle        F43                              11:06:05.73
   283 720    Kittel, Julie            F23   Ellicott City MD           11:06:23.00
   284 662    Martin, Kelly            F22                              11:06:23.22
   285 666    Doyle, Leigh Ann         F23   Ellicott City MD           11:06:55.21
   286 383    Weber, Ron               M61   Ellicott City MD           11:07:34.23
   287 551    Calvert, Evan            M28   Ellicott City MD           11:08:31.64
   288 556    Gudley, Laura            F26                              11:08:32.96
   289 529    McIntyre, Shanon         M18   Ellicott City MD           11:08:41.46
   290 501    Campo, Cheryl J          F39   Columbia MD                11:10:56.74
   291 503    Levine, Emma             F15   Columbia MD                11:10:57.47
   292 323    Hay, Cheryl              F62                              11:11:52.49
   293 321    Weissgerber, Penny       F66                              11:11:53.67
   294 405    McGowan, Joseph          M47                              11:13:20.48
   295 584    Coogan, Kathleen         F46                              11:13:21.23
   296 558    Mandava, Suneel          F40                              11:17:24.71
   297 557    Mandava, Asha            F42                              11:17:24.73
   298 559    Kelso, Jordan            M40   Columbia MD                11:19:41.15

Legends of the Fall Series Awards

79 runners turned up on a seasonably warm day to run the Howard County Striders weekly race at Burleigh Manor Middle School. Karsten Brown and Kendra Smith were the leaders in the 5k race. Those runners who had qualified for an award this season were awarded a winter running hat.

Race Lead: Amanda Loudin

Volunteers: Erin Blackwood, John Bratiotis, Marc Burger, Nathan Capelle, George Kroeker, Julie Trapp, Ron Webber.

1. Karsten Brown          17:48
2. Mark Eagles            18:58
3. Stuart Pineo           19:12
4. James Blackwood        19:16
5. Lochlann Boyle         19:18
6. Devin Rowell           19:31
7. John Way               20:38
8. Richard Griffiths      20:42
9. Alan Mulindwa          20:56
10. Sean Costello         21:10
11. Steve Meininger       21:24
12. Steve Wright          21:29
13. Jackson Pittman       21:34
14. Kendra Smith          21:39
15. Erik Halvorson        21:43
16. Robert Blanco         21:50
17. Stephen Mang          22:02
18. Chad Burger           22:48
19. Harry Rowell          22:49
20. Bill Farrell          23:25
21. Ronnie Wong           23:43
22. Isabel Pineo          23:49
23. Rob Robinson          23:58
24. Terri Wytko           24:05
25. Kirk Gordon           24:29
26. Bill Arbelaez         24:48.4
27. Tammy Liu Hermstein   24:48.9
28. Kash Hartz            25:30
29. Rob Vogel             26:30.1
30. Marc Hermstein        26:30.6
31. Larry Pike            26:56
32. Joan Pittman          26:59
33. Eric Johnston         27:27
34. Talia Tracton         27:59
35. Mike Fleming          28:11.6
36. Marsha Demaree        28:11.9
37. James Scarborough     28:21
38. Tom Green             28:29
39. Lori Hatfield         28:50
40. Roger Calvert         28:51
41. Mikail Ocasio         29:22
42. Devon McGuiness       29:27
43. Tommy Mygatt          29:33
44. Faye Weaver           30:09
45. Dee Nelson            30:21
46. Michelle McGuiness    31:03
47. Ethan Hartz           31:06
48. Thais Rodrigues       31:15
49. Bill Brandenstein     31:16
50. Amanda Idstein        31:28
51. Jack McMahon          31:45
52. Michelle Weaver       32:00
53. Mia Mygatt            32:07.4
54. Michell Mygatt        32:07.8
55. Melinda Krummerich    32:25
56. Cindy Cohen           32:28
57. Ginger Rowley         32:31
58. Dan McGuiness         33:14.3
59. Colin McGuiness       33:14.8
60. Audrey Loudin         33:55
61. Bill MacCormack       34:02
62. Leslie Robinson       34:09
63. Todd Loudin           34:18
64. Zulema Roberts        36:00
65. Andrew Mygatt         36:13
66. Steve Reading         37:45
67. Paula Shepherd        38:25
68. Caleb Robinson        39:32
69. Jill Robinson         39:34
70. Arleen Dineen         40:10
71. Jess Stern            40:40
72. Oliver Robinson       42:14
73. Linda Pineo           43:03
74. Susan Gum             43:04
75. Gail Bailey           45:17
76. Soren Shaw            45:22
77. Lisa Shaw             45:23
78. Stanley Way           47:06
79. Beth Dunbar           51:17

Legends of the Fall Series #6

Today was a beautiful fall afternoon. A perfect day for running a weekly-series race. Temps were in the 40’s to 50’s, the ground was plentiful with crunchy leaves, and the wind gods were for the most part merciful (except on the back half of the course). We had 64 people sign up for the 6 mile and 2 mile races. At Oakland Mills, the 6 mile course is comprised of 3 loops of the 2 mile course. This gives us runners the luxury of opting out of the longer course if we are not feeling so well or in some cases if we’ve gone out too fast. The 2 mile course was lead by Megan Boyce and James Blackwood. The 6 mile course was lead by Marsha Demaree and Karsten Brown.

1. James Blackwood       12:04
2. Bobby Gessler         12:24
3. John Way              12:33
4. Chad Burger           13:04
5. David June            13:08
6. Erik Halvorson        13:10
7. Stephen Mang          13:24
8. Harry Rowell          14:11
9. Alan Mulindwa         14:40
10. Megan Boyce          17:08
11. McKenna Boyce        17:26
12. steve Boyce          17:27
13. Talia Tracton        17:36
14. Michele Weaver       18:19
15. Faye Weaver          18:20
16. Kirk Gordon          18:23
17. Tommy Mygatt         18:30
18. Bill Brandenstein    19:07
19. Bill O'Hare          19:13
20. Michelle Fullerton   19:17
21. Paula Stehle         19:18
22. Amanda Idestein      19:20
23. Kim Hartke           19:21
24. Janet Boyce          19:22
25. Melinda Krummerich   19:46
26. Ginger Rowley        19:50
27. Kaden Roberts        20:18
28. John wheatland       20:28
29. Jackie Seetoo        21:26
30. Mia Mygatt           21:27
31. Zulema Roberts       22:21
32. Olivia Seetoo        22:46
33. Hanna Haber          22:47
34. Karim Anderson       23:01
35. Arleen Dineen        23:18
36. Andrew Mygatt        23:58
37. Michelle Mygatt      23:59
38. Shamsaad Ali         24:09
39. Stanley Way          27:44
40. Karen Fernandez      29:25
41. Grace Haber          30:00
1. Karsten Brown         35:47
2. Brian Allen           36:48
3. Mark Eagles           36:49
4. Lochlann Boyle        38:44
5. Luis Navarro          39:32
6. Tim Mygatt            41:02
7. Ken Sevik             41:22
8. Steve Wright          42:35
9. Robert Blanco         43:46
10. Chris Farmer         45:24
11. Ronnie Wong          46:20
12. James Moreland       47:17
13. Scott Koenig         48:34
14. Juan Fernandez       50:11
15. Bruce Levine         52:26
16. Marsha Demaree       52:35
17. Emily Howe           52:57
18. David Ikels          55:52
19. Roger Calvert        56:33
20. Larry Pike           58:38
21. Marianne Solomotis   59:54
22. Dan McCabe           1:00:01
23. Mikail Ocasio        1:01:13