2025 Operation Iceberg #6

50 runners came out for the Howard County Striders Winter strides race at Patuxent Branch Trail. Mark Eagles and Alexandra Carrizales were the 2 mile winners. Stephen Senick and Linda Alms led the 5k runners. This was the graduation race for the Couch to 5k program, congratulations to all the new finishers.

Volunteers: Bill Arbelaez(race lead), Rene Alonso, Nick Atkins, Melissa Burger, Iris Mars, Jen Storch

2 Mile

1Mark Eagles11:14
2Derek Locktish11:23
3Ethan Becker12:03
4Alexandra Carrizales12:09
5Christian Carrizales13:43
6Danny Cohen14:00
7Elwin Bizimana14:07
8Marcel Guzman14:15
9John Way14:34
10George Locktish14:47
11Lochlann Boyle14:59
12No card15:20
13Sophie Serre15:22.0
14Jasmine DeSimone15:22.5
15Harper Rupprecht15:23
16Emilie Serre17:03
17Greg Orlofsky17:04
18Ted Poulos17:37
19Javier Guzman17:54
20Mark Cohen19:43
21Mary Niland22:20
22Kara Locktish24:18
23Roger Calvert24:32
24Teresa Wethington-Guzman27:19
25Alyssa Dooley27:20
26Ping Toledano29:29
27Steve Moran34:59
28Bill Brown36:07


1Stephen Senick19:11
2Kam Yee22:44
3Kirk Gordon24:33
4Robert Geisler24:42
5Chris Farmer26:28
6Linda Alms26:41
7Jade Traiger26:43
8John Ramsey27:33
9James Scarborough27:53
10Anastasia Stepanova28:07
11Maria Grafov28:08
12Jenny Guilfuss28:27
13Claudia Eckstrom28:42
14Marc Burger30:35
15Eric Johnston34:26 (started 8 min late)
16Yessica Gagliuff37:21
17Scott Ryan40:34
18Jose Camacho40:51
19Amanda Idstein43:22
20Christine Pyers49:04
21Melinda Krummerich49:05