Operation Iceberg Series #5

After two consecutive cancellations of weekly races 101 eager runners greeted by sunny skies and 40 degree temperatures showed up to the 3rd race of the Howard County Striders’ Operation Iceberg series at Longfellow Elementary. The courses were a two mile loop and and modified 6 mile course which consisted of three laps of the two mile loop. Daniel Miranda and Tasha Hogan won the six mile race and Stephen Olenick and Cindy Alms won the two mile race.

by Chad Burger

Race Lead:  Jim Carbary

Volunteers:  Robert Blanco, Mark Buschman, Len Guralnick, Glen Scimonelli, and Julie Trapp

1. Stephen Olenick       11:26
2. Luiz Diaz             12:18
3. Thomas Orzechowski    12:19
4. Leroy Wenstrom        12:24
5. Michael Dusenbery     12:59
6. John Way              13:11
7. Evan Calvert          13:33
8. Cindy Alms            13:35
9. Heather Ferron        13:56
10. Alison Suckling      13:59
11. Bill Arbelqez        14:09
12. John Elliot          15:05
13. Mike Down            15:07
14. Sheri Ferron         15:12
15. Chris Reading        15:13
16. Alan Murray          15:15
17. Ken Alms             16:00
18. Laura Gidley         16:23
19. Roger Calvert        16:57
20. Linda Alms           17:03
21. Faye Weaver          17:53
22. Nathan Gears         18:09
23. Karen Harvey         18:39
24. Tabitha Kanney       19:16
25. Vijay Nallu          19:26
26. Mimi Gears           19:47
27. Ann Goodwin          20:15
28. Lori Hatfield        20:17
29. Helena Solana        22:20
30. Paula Shepherd       23:24
31. Melinda Krummerich   25:00
32. Sarah Moreau         25:01
33. Barbara Calvert      26:00
34. Melissa Burger       26:23
35. Jack Elkonoh         27:31
36. Mike Elkonoh         27:32
37. Debby Tapper         28:43
38. Yon Suk Meurer       28:55
39. Marshall Demaree     29:36
1. Daniel Miranda        36:07
2. Adam Wytko            36:13
3. Brian Fleming         36:38
4. Greg Hogan            37:06
5. Matt Emery            38:32
6. Weems McFadden        38:51
7. John Chall            39:37
8. David Phipps          39:49
9. Gregg Ford            40:04
10. Swills               40:55
11. Conrad Fernandes     41:06
12. Tasha Hogan          41:16
13. Steve Bohse          41:21
14. Donnie Chapman       41:32
15. Bill Wheeler         41:48
16. Hafiz Shaikh         41:55
17. Patrick Rotolo       42:53
18. Michael Galey        43:11
19. Matt Crysler         43:15
20. Morgana Dattavi      43:48
21. Greg Schuler         43:53
22. Nick Del Grosso      44:35
23. Lou Shapiro    	 44:51
24. Kevin Tapper         45:29
25. Terry Wytko          45:42
26. Mike Hagan           46:49
27. James Moreland       46:52
28. Marc Burger          47:33
29. Ed Silverman         47:36
30. Andrew Rotolo        47:48
31. Kirk Gordon          48:20
32. Bromley Lowe         48:30
33. Mike Fleming         48:33
34. Eric Johnston        49:08
35. Marsha Demaree       49:12
36. Jack Clark           50:05
37. Chad Burger          50:28
38. Chris Farmer         51:26
39. Nelson Stritehoff    51:47
40. Adam Sachs           52:29
41. David Hogue          53:22
42. Matthew Beran        53:44
43. John Palks           53:55
44. Ben Stein            54:22
45. Kelvin Hong          55:29
46. Dwight Mikulis       55:39.1
47. April Lee            55:39.8
48. Doug Sullivan        55:53
49. Kelly Dixon          56:09
50. Becky Holtz          56:12
51. Bjorn Moreau         56:15
52. Christopher Puin     58:16
53. Pat Brooks           58.33
54. Thomas Green         58:59
55. Hans Meurer          59:31
56. Monika Serrano       1:00:15
57. Kirk Risinger        1:01:30
58. Caroline Manas       1:03:44
59. Irina Myers          1:11:39
60. Aron Myers           1:11:4
61. Christina Chapman    1:13:42
62. Jessica Stern        1:14:24

Penguin Pace 5K

The 2010 Penguin Pace was cancelled due to inclement weather.

Operation Iceberg Series #2

Eighty seven runners were greeted by cloudy skies and damp 40 degree air for the second race in the Howard County Striders’ Operation Iceberg series at Burleigh Manor Middle School. Karsten Brown and Tasha Hogan won for the five mile race and Stephen Olenick and Heather Ferron won the two mile race.

Race Lead:  Donnie Chapman

Volunteers:  Sari Chapman, David Jun, Glenn Scimonelli, Michael Smolyak, Brian Lawton, Bill Stahr

Thanks to Chris Farmer for substituting as series director for this race.

1. Stephen Olenick 	10:50
2. Ted Poulos 		11:06
3. James Blackwood 	11:15
4. Luis Navarro 	11:24
5. Luiz Diaz 		11:48
6. Leroy Wenstrom 	11:52
7. Gary Smolyak 	11:58
8. Michael Dusenbery 	12:03
9. Hafiz Shaikh 	12:08
10. John Way 		12:20
11. Thomas Orzechowski 	12:22
12. James Allen 	12:35
13. Marshall Demaree 	12:49
14. Heather Ferron 	12:50 (1st F)
15. Bill Arbelaez 	12:51
16. Brian Stricklen 	12:53
17. Danny Schofield 	13:12
18. Eric Haney 		13:20
19. Bjorn Moreau 	13:57
20. Kevin ODonnell-Zwaig 14:03
21. Mike Fleming 	14:22.4
22. Vicki Lang 		14:22.8
23. Alan Murray 	14:24
24. Kenny Walker 	14:46
25. Erika Lewis 	15:06
26. Dee Nelson 		15:22
27. Kit Miller 		15:50
28. James Koo 		15:53
29. Faye Weaver 	16:31
30. Karen Harvey 	17:06
31. Clint Henderson 	17:41
32. Adam McNeil 	18:02
33. Ann Goodwin 	18:41
34. Lori Hatfield 	18:45
35. Martha Razuri 	18:46
36. Cindy Sosa 		18:51.2
37. Ian Begger 		18:51.9
38. Caroline Manas 	18:57
39. Heidi Vecera 	19:46
40. Clark Demaree 	20:02
41. Tevie McNeil 	20:18.2
42. Michael McNeil 	20:18.8
43. Casey Fuller 	20:58
44. Joe Broderick 	21:14
45. Paula Shepherd 	21:41
46. Sarah Moreau 	22:29
47. Janet Miller 	22:47
48. Melinda Krummerich 	23:06
1. Karsten Brown 	28:02
2. Adam Wytko 		29:22
3. Greg Hogan 		29:49
4. Matt Simonson 	30:45
5. John Chall 		32:01
6. Jason McCaul 	32:26
7. Tasha Hogan 		33:06
8. Conrad Fernandes 	33:15
9. Gregg Ford 		33:28
10. Sean Costello 	33:40
11. Phil Lang 		34:00
12. Morgana D'Ottavi 	35:22
13. Robert Blanco 	35:23
14. Paul Eyes 		36:25
15. Nick Del Grosso 	36:28
16. Kirk Gordon 	37:28
17. Chris Farmer 	37:51
18. Karen Young 	38:44
19. James Moreland 	39:32
20. Eric Johnston 	39:41
21. Marsh Demaree 	39:59
22. Nick Levintow 	40:00
23. John Palks 		40:33
24. Bromley Lowe 	40:51
25. Meredith Olsen 	42:23
26. James Scarborough 	42:36
27. Dwight Johnson 	44:12
28. Javier Ramos 	44:28
29. Pat Brooks 		44:53
30. Simon Debruin 	45:12
31. Bernadette Flynn 	46:46
32. Howard Feinberg 	47:28
33. Eric Katkow 	48:22
34. Leonard Gueralnick 	48:23
35. Christopher Puin 	48:48
36. Yvonna DeBruin 	49:13
37. Kathy Levintow 	49:20
38. Hillary Collins 	52:05
39. Vijay Nallu 	53:36

Operation Iceberg Series #1

Despite the cold and rainy conditions, fifty runners came out on January 17th for the first Howard County Strider weekly series race of 2010. The 5K took place at Atholton High school and Karston Brown won for the males and Heather Ferron won for the females.

Race Lead:  Carlos Renjifo

Volunteers:  Melissa Burger, Chad Boothe, Kim Damewood, John Way

1. Karston Brown       16:56
2. Adam WytKo          17:14
3. Chris Chattin       17:22
4. Greg Hogan          17:53
5. James Blackwood     18:47
6. Jason McCaul        18:48
7. Luis Diaz           18:59
8. Luis Navarro        19:06
9. John Chall          19:12
10. Gregg Ford         19:18
11. Steve Bohse        20:12
12. Leroy Wenstron     20:14
13. Corey Hamilton     20:24
14. Donnie Chapman     20:29
15. Michael Dusenbery  20:39
16. Hafiz Shaikh       20:41
17. Bill Stahr         21:01
18. Robert Blanco      21:11
19. Derek Olson        21:21
20. Paul Eyes          21:31
21. Ben Minnick        21:33
22. Marshall Demaree   21.39
23. Marc Burger        21:58
24. Heather Ferron     22:13.2
25. Thomas Orzechowski 22:13.6
26. Chad Burger        22:30
27. John Elliot        22:45
28. Eric Johnson       23:09
29. Bromley Lowe       23:38
30. Chris Farmer       23:54
31. Alan Murray        24:22
32. Marsha Demaree     24:27
33. Jon Palks          24:47
34. Kirk Gordon        25:02
35. Colleen Joy        25:42
36. Javier Ramos       26:27
37. Nathan Gears       26:57
38. Nathan Barbo       26:58
39. Richard Griffiths  26:59
40. Clint Henderson    27:07
41. Kenny Walker       27:15
42. Karen Harvey       27:17
43. Sarah Barbo        27:30.2
44. Allison Barbo      27:30.6
45. Erin Rickard       27:38
46. Sharlene Deskins   29:10
47. Denise Hyde        30:26
48. Faye Weaver (late) 31:58
49. Sarah Moreau       37:22
50. Bjorn Moreau       37:23

Resolution Run 8K Prediction Run

Due to icy conditions, the Resolution Run was canceled.

Legends of the Fall Series Awards

Thirty four hardy runners showed up on a cold rainy day for the last race of the year for the Howard County Striders’ Weekly Series at Burleigh Manor Middle School, December 13. Michael Wegner and Sari Chapman won the two mile race. Brian Fleming and Marsha Demaree won the five mile race.

Race Lead:  Greg Lepore

Volunteers:  Doug Sullivan, Ellie McManuels, Rick Mitchell, John Way, Sharlene Deskins

1. Michael Wegner 	10:15
2. Stephen Olenick 	11:08
3. Luis Diaz 		11:23.2
4. Luis Navarro 	11:23.4
5. Noah Wood 		12:24
6. Michael Dusenbery 	12:43
7. Bjorn Moreau 	14:00.1
8. Bruce Worley 	14:00.3
9. Chris Farmer 	14:43
10. Alan Murray 	14:44
11. Len Guralnick 	15:35
12. Sari Chapman 	16:07
13. Peter Blank 	16:22
14. Roger Calvert 	16:33
15. Karen Harvey 	16:57
16. Kelly Dixon 	17:00
17. Faye Weaver 	17:17
18. Ann Goodwin 	17:18
19. Kristin Miller 	17:41
20. Erin Rickard 	18:33.5
21. James Blackwood 	18:33.8
22. Melinda Krummerich 	24:22
23. Barbara Calvert 	24:26
1. Brian Fleming 	29:26
2. Karsten Brown 	29:46
3. Greg Hogan 		30:10
4. John Chall 		34:08
5. Hafiz Shaikh 	35:48
6. Robert Blanco 	36:38
7. Yasuo Oda 		36:48
8. Marc Burger 		39:47
9. Mike Fleming 	40:11
10. Marsha Demaree 	41:18
11. Vijay Nallu 	55:09

Metric Marathon & 5K

Metric Cancellation Information
08 Dec 2009

Unfortunately, due to icy weather conditions, the Metric Marathon was cancelled this past Sunday. As race directors, we were particularly disappointed, especially because this situation also occurred last year. Up until last year, we have never had a cancellation—that’s 31 years! We spent months getting ready for what we hoped would be an awesome event with numerous awards, lots of randoms, gloves, and a great post-race pizza party. We appreciate our volunteers who worked behind the scenes—those who worked packet pick-up, and those who showed up on the cold race day morning to address the needs of the runners who did show up. And we appreciate your patience and support while we did our best to get the word out on the Howard County Striders website, the radio stations, and on Active.com, and thus minimized inconvenience to everyone.

Like last year, many parts of the course (roads, bike paths, and foot bridge) were iced over, making conditions unsafe for runners as well as the police, course marshals, other volunteers and the general public. The snow and precipitation that had fallen the day before had turned to ice, and temperatures remained below freezing. The safety of those involved is, of course, our top priority, and if there are any doubts, we will always err on the side of safety.

With regard to refunds, the policy of the Metric (and most other race events) is stated that fees are nonrefundable. The majority of expenses are already paid out whether the race is run or not. In addition to the custom printed tee-shirts and the gloves for the Metric Marathon finishers, we incurred the costs of printing the applications, advertising the race, rental of portable toilets, the pizza, and other food vendors, and race numbers. However, due to the unusual circumstances of having the race cancelled twice in a row, we plan to offer a free 2010 registration (without Shirt) for those people who were registered for both races: 2008 and 2009. Shirts will be available to those runners who want to purchase them at cost. The procedure for claiming your free entry will be posted on the Striders website (www.striders.net) soon.

Some people have questioned why we couldn’t just re-schedule the race. The police permits and permits for use of the lake front and bike paths have to be in place months in advance for the date and time. Neither can we ask hundreds of volunteers to change the time as they are likely to have prior commitments. So do many of the runners!

For runners who did not have an opportunity to pick up your packets, you can pick them up at Feet First, Hickory Ridge Village Center, 6420 Freetown Rd., Columbia, MD 21044. (Phone: 410 992-5800) If this is not convenient for you, we can arrange to have them mailed to you. Prizes are being distributed on a random basis.

Finally, in conjunction with the Howard County Striders Board of Directors, we have decided to move 2010 Metric to an earlier date to avoid another icy event. We are scheduling the 2010 Metric Marathon for Sunday November 14, 2010. We consider this race to be one of our premier events. A significant portion of the race proceeds goes to our scholarship fund, which recognizes high school runners who are distinguished scholar-athletes. We are committed to continuing the long tradition of this race, which is one of the oldest continuously held running events in the Washington Baltimore area.

Thanks again for your kind words and understanding as we proceed ahead to make next year’s Metric one that everyone will enjoy.

For the Howard County Striders
John and Ann Worley
Race Directors

Nadia Wasserman

Turkey Trot 10K Prediction Run

On Thanksgiving morning, well before the traditional engorgement began, a record field of 334 attempted to run the 10k course at Jeffers Hill without the benefit of watches, GPS, sundials, or any other method of time keeping. “Sundials could time some of us,” said one of the older participants. Anyway, a sundial wouldn’t have helped because of the thick fog that obscured the Sun.

The object of the prediction run was to finish at exactly 11:00 AM, starting anytime before. Most of the runners were too fast: 259 completed the 6.2 miles before the appointed hour, while only 75 finished after. (Such a trend is common. In the 2008 Turkey Trot, 171 finished before 11 AM and 86 finished after. They probably want to get back before the glazed donuts are gone.) This year, 54 finished within a minute of the hour. The most accurate runner was Vicki Lang, who came within ¾ of a second 11:00:00. A past winner of the Striders. Runner of the Year award, Ms. Lang is also one of the fastest to win the prediction run. For her accurate pacing, she earned a gift certificate from Barnes and Noble, plus the coveted Brass Turkey Award.

The Howard County Striders have celebrated Thanksgiving with the Turkey Trot Prediction 10k Run for over 30 years, and the event always draws a large, diverse crowd. A record field appeared this year in spite of the wretched weather. So many people showed up, in fact, that race organizers ran out of a number of essential items: race numbers, post-race food, and toilet paper in the women’s restroom. There were not even enough parking spaces, and some even got tickets for illegal parking.

Len Guralnick directed the Turkey Trot with the able assistance of a bunch of volunteers. Volunteer Chris Farmer won a gift certificate from a random drawing for the volunteers.

by Jim Carbary


Turkey Trot Prediction Run 2009 - 10K,  11/26/2009
Pl   Name                 HomeTown                Bib    Club   Time
   1.Lake, Justin         Clarksville, MD    M21   10:10:00.00
   2.McDowell, Kate       Ellicott City, MD  F19   10:10:32.13
   3.Graham-Lewis, Ginger Unknown, NA        F46   10:11:04.26
   4.Nowak, Alex          Clarksville, MD    M26   10:11:36.39
   5.Depaola, Billy       Unknown, NA        M52   10:12:08.52
   6.Montoya, Susana      Ellicott City, MD  F39   10:12:40.65
   7.Berge, Kathi (Mary)  Columbia, MD       F53   10:13:12.78
   8.Hurley, Jennifer     Unknown, NA        F39   10:13:44.91
   9.Greenfield, Michele  Columbia, MD       F48   10:14:17.04
  10.Terwilliger, Anne    Unknown, NA        F29   10:14:49.17
  11.Berge, Steve         Columbia, MD       M0    10:15:21.30
  12.Layton, Jennifer     Baltimore, MD      F32   10:15:53.43
  13.Firoozmand, Ali      Hershey, PA        M57   10:16:25.56
  14.Duante, Rigo         Unknown, NA        M49   10:16:57.69
  15.DePaola, Jamie       Unknown, NA        F20   10:17:29.82
  16.Leya, Traci          Unknown, NA        F40   10:18:01.95
  17.Joyce, Michael       Ellicott City, MD  M56   10:18:34.01
  18.Joyce, Conor         Unknown, NA        M27   10:18:35.93
  19.Woon, Choonghor      Catonsville, MD    M34   10:20:17.87
  20.Lake, Nicole         Clarksville, MD    F15   10:20:37.88
  21.Lake, Wendy b        Clarksville, MD    F48   10:20:41.41
  22.Lake, Danielle       Clarksville, MD    F20   10:24:29.85
  23.lake, jeff           Clarksville, MD    M48   10:24:31.17
  24.Pletnikov, Misha     Unknown, NA        M47   10:27:28.79
  25.Symonds, Theresa     Unknown, NA        F42   10:31:59.68
  26.Wilson, Alison       Unknown, NA        F38   10:32:02.23
  27.Graf, Martha         Unknown, NA        F46   10:32:05.87
  28.Strohmeyer, Robert   Unknown, NA        M37   10:32:32.85
  29.Kunimoto, Hiroko     Unknown, NA        F50   10:33:45.37
  30.Woods, Iris          Randallstown, MD   F48   10:35:21.71
  31.Hessler, Jim         Unknown, NA        M41   10:35:38.97
  32.Lauver, Kristen      Columbia, MD       F51   10:36:13.82
  33.Rodgers, Mary        Columbia, MD       F55   10:36:17.29
  34.Regan, Paul          Unknown, NA        M55   10:38:39.79
  35.Lazas, Dave          Columbia, MD       M48   10:40:30.07
  36.Smith, Michael       Columbia, MD       M0    10:41:04.93
  37.Kajiura, Robyn W     Columbia, MD       F46   10:41:53.78
  38.Just, Janet          Unknown, NA        F44   10:41:56.65
  39.Celano, Pete         Clarksville, MD    M48   10:43:04.25
  40.Dignan, Stephanie    Woodbine, MD       F37   10:43:30.68
  41.Alano, Emma          Unknown, NA        F18   10:44:03.59
  42.Nicholas, Chuck      Ellicott City, MD  M47   10:44:32.64
  43.Regan, Nancy         Unknown, NA        F55   10:44:36.18
  44.Martuo, Marianne     Unknown, NA        F48   10:44:40.89
  45.Bogan, Shane         Columbia, MD       M50   10:44:42.00
  46.Gracia, Elizabeth    Unknown, NA        F44   10:44:47.38
  47.Howe, Tim            Ellicott City, MD  M47   10:45:22.13
  48.Celano, Marie        Clarksville, MD    F46   10:46:15.76
  49.Stern, Jessica       Columbia, MD       F27   10:46:41.90
  50.Troncoso, Juan       Ellicott City, MD  M60   10:46:43.99
  51.Byron, Beverly L     Ellicott City, MD  F56   10:46:55.30
  52.Howell, Rebecca      Chevy Chase, MD    F30   10:47:26.44
  53.McGowan, Joseph      Unknown, NA        M43   10:47:46.24
  54.McCague, Sean        Unknown, NA        M47   10:47:49.84
  55.McGowan, Lisa        Unknown, NA        F45   10:47:51.80
  56.Bloom, Leon          Annapolis, MD      M50   10:48:00.03
  57.Caplan, Bess         Columbia, MD       F28   10:48:16.81
  58.Kulansky, Dave       Columbia, MD       M29   10:48:17.17
  59.Herman, Emily        Unknown, NA        F26   10:48:26.34
  60.Ciotola, Joe         Columbia, MD       M0    10:48:27.93
  61.Mallare, Stacy       Columbia, MD       F27   10:49:54.68
  62.Lucas, Anna          Glenwood, MD       F27   10:49:56.40
  63.Clay, Ilyssa         Unknown, NA        F27   10:50:10.27
  64.Meadows, Wendy       Unknown, NA        F29   10:51:19.77
  65.Hankin, Stephanie    Arlington, VA      F28   10:51:20.07
  66.Falck, Alison J      Highland, MD       F43   10:51:40.45
  67.Zimmerman, Carol     Clarksville, MD    F51   10:51:40.78
  68.Franklin, Alison     Ellicott City, MD  F48   10:51:57.03
  69.Six, Anne            Unknown, NA        F28   10:51:59.38
  70.Six, Jeff            Elkridge, MD       M31   10:52:00.70
  71.Lara, Jose           Unknown, NA        M60   10:52:14.28
  72.Baker, Petra M       Hanover, MD        F43   10:52:18.49
  73.Esposito, Jessica    Elkridge, MD       F15   10:52:43.84
  74.Walls, Megan         Unknown, NA        F29   10:52:50.49
  75.O'Donnell, Maureen   Columbia, MD       F27   10:53:05.21
  76.Six, Cindy           Elkridge, MD       F27   10:53:06.04
  77.Young, Mark          Columbia, MD       M41   10:53:12.51
  78.Yardeny, Caitlin     Unknown, NA        F28   10:53:31.74
  79.Yardeny, Shannon     Unknown, NA        M29   10:53:32.08
  80.Nandi, Shyamal       Ellicott City, MD  M71   10:53:42.67
  81.Savoie, Wendy        Unknown, NA        F33   10:53:43.46
  82.Hess, Kristen        Unknown, NA        F28   10:53:45.89
  83.Alms, Kenneth        Fulton, MD         M48   10:53:48.22
  84.Mohan, Ray           Unknown, NA        M62   10:53:55.94
  85.Sating, Joseph       Ellicott City, MD  M43   10:53:57.34
  86.Serp, Edward         Catonsville, MD    M48   10:54:18.89
  87.Serp, Betsy          Catonsville, MD    F42   10:54:21.04
  88.Sproule, Christopher Portland, OR       M43   10:54:21.71
  89.Sproule, Charles     Unknown, NA        M46   10:54:23.90
  90.Lampron, Nicholas    Columbia, MD       M16   10:54:28.94
  91.Watts, Emily         Ellicott City, MD  F18   10:54:35.28
  92.Asiao, Michael       Unknown, NA        M18   10:54:35.80
  93.Whyte, Joanna L      Newbury Park, CA   F47   10:55:00.03
  94.Coggeshall, Carole   Unknown, NA        F45   10:55:09.38
  95.Lee, April           Unknown, NA        F29   10:55:09.77
  96.Coggeshall, Greg     Unknown, NA        M48   10:55:10.40
  97.Hess, Susan          Unknown, NA        F54   10:55:14.11
  98.Hess, Susan          Unknown, NA        F21   10:55:14.84
  99.Staines, Sylvienne   Clarksville, MD    F15   10:55:17.74
 100.Orlik, Janice        Columbia, MD       F55   10:55:18.39
 101.West, Royce          Columbia, MD       M39   10:55:19.22
 102.molina, cynthia      Unknown, NA        F33   10:55:25.42
 103.MacCormack, Bill     Ellicott City, MD  M67   10:55:25.85
 104.Katkow, Eric A       Columbia, MD       M65   10:55:26.41
 105.ceidley, Laura       Unknown, NA        F22   10:55:29.93
 106.Alderfer, Rob        Unknown, NA        M30   10:55:30.40
 107.Alderfer, Rebecca    Unknown, NA        F30   10:55:30.89
 108.Gracia, Alex         Unknown, NA        F17   10:55:31.41
 109.Sikora, Mike         Unknown, NA        M17   10:55:32.00
 110.Fedako, Neal         Unknown, NA        M51   10:55:35.47
 111.Salmon-Cox, Peter    Millersville, MD   M70   10:55:48.46
 112.Lampron, Virginia    Unknown, NA        F13   10:55:50.93
 113.Lee, Sunyoung        College Park, MD   F33   10:55:51.97
 114.Beach, Sarah         Columbia, MD       F45   10:55:55.21
 115.Hannagan, Calvin     Ellicott City, MD  M13   10:56:03.93
 116.Hannagan, Allen      Ellicott City, MD  M47   10:56:12.65
 117.Rozier, Bill         Clarksville, MD    M49   10:56:13.16
 118.Hannagan, Denise     Ellicott City, MD  F47   10:56:13.78
 119.Kreft, Michael       Ellicott City, MD  M49   10:56:14.51
 120.Alms, Christina      Fulton, MD         F14   10:56:15.54
 121.Alms, Linda          Fulton, MD         F47   10:56:16.34
 122.gears, mimi          Columbia, MD       F33   10:56:17.41
 123.George, Lissa        Columbia, MD       F61   10:56:18.52
 124.Michelotti, Kim B    Columbia, MD       F32   10:56:19.88
 125.Howe, Emily F        Ellicott City, MD  F35   10:56:22.60
 126.Michelotti, Steve    Columbia, MD       M34   10:56:29.20
 127.Scimonelli, Glenn    Columbia, MD       M58   10:56:29.53
 128.Littleton, Emily     Ellicott City, MD  F38   10:56:40.84
 129.Nist, Brian          Columbia, MD       M35   10:56:43.94
 130.Staines, Isabelle    Clarksville, MD    F15   10:56:46.70
 131.Glassberg, Abby      Clarksville, MD    F49   10:56:47.16
 132.Brown, Thomas        Glenelg, MD        M59   10:56:53.76
 133.Allen, Brian         Laurel, MD         M20   10:56:54.23
 134.Thomas, Ben          Laurel, MD         M21   10:56:54.92
 135.Fox, Richard C       Ellicott City, MD  M62   10:57:10.87
 136.Lano, Matt           Unknown, NA        M27   10:57:11.59
 137.Lano, Erin           Unknown, NA        F27   10:57:12.14
 138.nieporent, Vanessa   Unknown, NA        F29   10:57:12.97
 139.Pettit, Brian        Laurel, MD         M21   10:57:13.61
 140.Bernard, Paul        Unknown, NA        M49   10:57:18.08
 141.Calvert, Evan        Ellicott City, MD  M24   10:57:19.69
 142.Groman, Lawrence     Ellicott City, MD  M24   10:57:23.99
 143.Miller, Madeleine    Glenwood, MD       F11   10:57:24.96
 144.Bartolo, Bob         Columbia, MD       M68   10:57:25.55
 145.miller, mark         Glenwood, MD       M40   10:57:25.87
 146.Scott, Heydrick      Unknown, NA        M16   10:57:26.31
 147.Lang, Philip         Columbia, MD       M42   10:57:26.85
 148.Lebro, Craig         Columbia, MD       M23   10:57:28.87
 149.Maher, Scott         West Friendship, MDM49   10:57:29.20
 150.Frye, Jon            Unknown, NA        M38   10:57:29.79
 151.Bartolo, Sadj        Columbia, MD       F67   10:57:30.62
 152.Alms, Cindy          Unknown, NA        F14   10:57:34.91
 153.Lynch, Olivia        Unknown, NA        F14   10:57:35.19
 154.Carbary, James       Columbia, MD       M58   10:57:40.38
 155.Koch, Jonathan       Unknown, NA        M20   10:57:41.78
 156.Le, Ann              Unknown, NA        F31   10:57:52.55
 157.Pricher, Lisa        Unknown, NA        F38   10:57:56.04
 158.Wasserman, Nadia     Columbia, MD       F63   10:57:59.46
 159.Brooks, Patricia E   Ellicott City, MD  F59   10:58:02.14
 160.Senfeid, Jennifer    Unknown, NA        F50   10:58:02.67
 161.Manas, Caroline G    Ellicott City, MD  F46   10:58:03.52
 162.Wunsch, Stephen      Columbia, MD       M19   10:58:04.39
 163.Beach, Edward        Columbia, MD       M46   10:58:05.18
 164.Smith, Katie         Columbia, MD       F14   10:58:06.15
 165.Smith, Jason J       Columbia, MD       M47   10:58:07.75
 166.McFadden, Weems      Annapolis, MD      M52   10:58:08.54
 167.Thomas, Evan F       Crofton, MD        M68   10:58:09.71
 168.Stephen, Allison     Unknown, NA        M31   10:58:10.60
 169.Alwine, Jason        Columbia, MD       M37   10:58:11.32
 170.Grover, Debbie       Columbia, MD       F54   10:58:15.47
 171.Walker, Norma        Ellicott City, MD  F56   10:58:17.00
 172.Payne, Staci R       Columbia, MD       F45   10:58:19.29
 173.Rosicky, Bryce       Columbia, MD       M12   10:58:20.05
 174.Harvey, Karen        Ellicott City, MD  F52   10:58:21.84
 175.Grufferman, Steven   Ellicott City, MD  M56   10:58:22.78
 176.Anderson, Steven     Columbia, MD       M44   10:58:23.64
 177.Moreau, Bjorn        Columbia, MD       M34   10:58:24.78
 178.Weathers, Robert     Crofton, MD        M41   10:58:30.42
 179.Olenick, Stephen M   Ellicott City, MD  M33   10:58:30.99
 180.Rawunson, Andrew     Unknown, NA        M36   10:58:33.99
 181.Jun, David W         Ellicott City, MD  M25   10:58:34.50
 182.Rosicky, John        Columbia, MD       M45   10:58:36.44
 183.Heneghan, Meghan     Ellicott City, MD  F16   10:58:38.63
 184.Del Grosso, Nick     Columbia, MD       M51   10:58:39.09
 185.Moreau, Claudine     Unknown, NA        F37   10:58:39.37
 186.Friss, Evan          Unknown, NA        M29   10:58:39.62
 187.Evans, Rick          Unknown, NA        M33   10:58:39.92
 188.Burger, Marc J       Columbia, MD       M37   10:58:40.62
 189.Blanco, Robert       Ellicott City, MD  M36   10:58:41.21
 190.Calvert, Roger L     Ellicott City, MD  M59   10:58:41.88
 191.Grover, Jim          Columbia, MD       M57   10:58:42.41
 192.Moreau, Sarah        Columbia, MD       F33   10:58:42.85
 193.Goodwin, Ann         Ellicott City, MD  F24   10:58:43.30
 194.Liu, Tammy           Woodstock, MD      F42   10:58:44.92
 195.Clotola, Alyson      Unknown, NA        F29   10:58:45.31
 196.Johnston, Eric       Ellicott City, MD  M45   10:58:45.73
 197.Ciotola, Lisa        Columbia, MD       F0    10:58:46.18
 198.Millard, Greg        Unknown, NA        M61   10:58:46.94
 199.Lepore, Greg         Columbia, MD       M39   10:58:47.44
 200.Boothe, Chad         Columbia, MD       M32   10:58:47.95
 201.Hof, Dean            Columbia, MD       M40   10:58:48.59
 202.Rao, Srinivas        Columbia, MD       M42   10:58:50.10
 203.Feeney, Scott        Elkridge, MD       M50   10:58:52.68
 204.Godak, Shawn         Unknown, NA        M38   10:58:52.94
 205.Duffy, Michael       Ellicott City, MD  M35   10:58:53.88
 206.Lara, Paul           Unknown, NA        M34   10:58:54.55
 207.Gessler, Bobby       Ellicott City, MD  M52   10:58:55.47
 208.McDonaugh, Robert    Columbia, MD       M65   10:58:56.26
 209.Stenholm, Sari       Columbia, MD       F31   10:58:57.06
 210.Walker, Kenny        Columbia, MD       M41   10:58:57.69
 211.Wood, Noah           Catonsville, MD    M26   10:58:58.54
 212.Aquino, Kaitlin      Ellicott City, MD  F19   10:58:59.53
 213.Orlik, Dave          Columbia, MD       M47   10:59:00.03
 214.Andrews, Kyle        Columbia, MD       M19   10:59:00.67
 215.Kuvelker, Jay        Columbia, MD       M17   10:59:01.78
 216.Andrews, Sam         Columbia, MD       M14   10:59:03.42
 217.Waheed, Majid        Columbia, MD       M18   10:59:03.81
 218.Kulikowski, Adam     Laurel, MD         M28   10:59:04.17
 219.Meininger, Stephen   Clarksville, MD    M40   10:59:04.64
 220.Fairley, Darryl      Ellicott City, MD  M42   10:59:05.06
 221.Schwartz, Rebecca    Ellicott City, MD  F25   10:59:05.53
 222.Pierre-Alle, Jean    Unknown, NA        M18   10:59:05.88
 223.Brousseau, Chuck     Unknown, NA        M34   10:59:06.16
 224.Wunsch, Christopher MColumbia, MD       M18   10:59:06.66
 225.Raymond, Les         Fulton, MD         M32   10:59:07.24
 226.Zaron, Mike          Ellicott City, MD  M29   10:59:07.56
 227.McManuels, Ellie     Columbia, MD       F35   10:59:08.26
 228.Ellis, David         College Park, MD   M40   10:59:12.94
 229.Kroeker, Michael     Columbia, MD       M17   10:59:13.80
 230.Kroeker, George      Columbia, MD       M57   10:59:15.01
 231.Anderson, David      Unknown, NA        M42   10:59:16.00
 232.Orlofsky, Greg       Columbia, MD       M36   10:59:16.77
 233.Chapman, Donnie      Clarksville, MD    M48   10:59:17.49
 234.Schnieder, June      Unknown, NA        F62   10:59:23.90
 235.Reynolds, Edward L   Columbia, MD       M47   10:59:25.34
 236.Wheeler, David       Ellicott City, MD  M47   10:59:28.24
 237.gears, nathan        Columbia, MD       M10   10:59:31.14
 238.Lebro, Sarah         Columbia, MD       F21   10:59:31.78
 239.Wheatland, John      Columbia, MD       M60   10:59:33.38
 240.Woods, Dick          Ellicott City, MD  M63   10:59:34.22
 241.Shulder, Nick        Unknown, NA        M15   10:59:34.87
 242.Ofazo, Marcos        Unknown, NA        M38   10:59:35.39
 243.Friss, Amanda        Unknown, NA        F30   10:59:36.85
 244.Byron, Holly         Catonsville, MD    F29   10:59:38.74
 245.Murphy, Eileen       Ellicott City, MD  F43   10:59:39.27
 246.Skaggs, Matt         Catonsville, MD    M29   10:59:39.79
 247.Geoghegan, Seth      Ellicott City, MD  M30   10:59:40.64
 248.Gessler, Julie       Ellicott City, MD  F16   10:59:41.79
 249.Worley, Mark         Columbia, MD       M24   10:59:42.20
 250.Mitchell, Dylan      Clarksville, MD    M11   10:59:42.71
 251.Mitchell, Rick M     Clarksville, MD    M43   10:59:45.17
 252.Brown, Charles       Columbia, MD       M63   10:59:45.59
 253.Groman, Carrie       Columbia, MD       F18   10:59:47.31
 254.Martino, Rachelle    Unknown, NA        F19   10:59:48.58
 255.Sweet, Sarah         Laurel, MD         F19   10:59:49.08
 256.Peng, Diane          Columbia, MD       F19   10:59:49.48
 257.Monheit, Leslie      Fulton, MD         F19   10:59:50.14
 258.Lang, Brittany       Columbia, MD       F11   10:59:51.20
*259.Lang, Vicki          Columbia, MD       F41   11:00:00.05
 260.Owens, Russ          Columbia, MD       M36   11:00:01.85
 261.Dyer, Stephen        Columbia, MD       M55   11:00:02.67
 262.Cooper, Logan        Westminister, MD   M26   11:00:03.65
 263.Schuler, Eric        Laurel, MD         M16   11:00:05.41
 264.Schuler, Greg        Laurel, MD         M49   11:00:06.53
 265.Fridley, Colleen     Catonsville, MD    F16   11:00:07.36
 266.Baier, Ed            Unknown, NA        M36   11:00:08.10
 267.Hatheid, Lori        Unknown, NA        F31   11:00:08.88
 268.Wang, Alex           Ellicott City, MD  F18   11:00:16.26
 269.Joseph, Olivia       Unknown, NA        F16   11:00:16.78
 270.Warfield, Jerry N    Columbia, MD       M65   11:00:17.36
 271.Fleming, Mike        Columbia, MD       M64   11:00:18.28
 272.Frye, Erin           Unknown, NA        F37   11:00:18.70
 273.Wright, Bill         Columbia, MD       M49   11:00:23.64
 274.Krasnopoler, MitchellEllicott City, MD  M52   11:00:26.33
 275.Oaksmith, Scott      Ellicott City, MD  M38   11:00:30.64
 276.Ramsing, Jadon       Columbia, MD       M14   11:00:37.61
 277.Ramsing, Becky       Columbia, MD       F42   11:00:39.04
 278.Virostek, Tim        Columbia, MD       M14   11:00:42.55
 279.Kelso, Jordan        Columbia, MD       M36   11:00:44.24
 280.Gessler, Amy         Ellicott City, MD  F14   11:00:45.07
 281.Lowe, Bromley        Hanover, MD        M39   11:00:46.75
 282.Serrao, Gloria J     Ellicott City, MD  F50   11:00:49.20
 283.Sachs, Adam G        Columbia, MD       M46   11:00:50.26
 284.Hogue, David         Laurel, MD         M31   11:00:51.26
 285.Mooney, Dan          Arbutus, MD        M43   11:00:52.25
 286.Taylor, Deb          Arbutus, MD        F43   11:00:53.13
 287.Gordon, Kirk D       Mitchellville, MD  M53   11:00:54.78
 288.Chall, John W        Jessup, MD         M52   11:00:55.42
 289.Rowley, Ginger A     Clarksville, MD    F48   11:00:56.63
 290.Loudin, Amanda       Ellicott City, MD  F44   11:00:57.55
 291.Oda, Yasuo           Ellicott City, MD  M47   11:00:59.14
 292.Sleight, Jessica J   Columbia, MD       F33   11:01:00.76
 293.Jackson, Liliana     Ellicott City, MD  F45   11:01:02.84
 294.Lamana, Alison       Unknown, NA        F18   11:01:07.18
 295.Olszewski, Emily     Ellicott City, MD  F16   11:01:07.94
 296.Paterson, Abby       Unknown, NA        F16   11:01:08.34
 297.Paterson, Grace      Unknown, NA        F14   11:01:08.77
 298.Schofield, Kelly     Ellicott City, MD  F16   11:01:09.61
 299.Lin, Pattie          Ellicott City, MD  F18   11:01:12.28
 300.Moldenhauer, Heather Marriottsville, MD F33   11:01:15.06
 301.Spedden, Rick        Clarksville, MD    M55   11:01:17.85
 302.Blanco, Rob          Columbia, MD       M31   11:01:28.54
 303.Gessler, Becky       Ellicott City, MD  F14   11:01:31.86
 304.Lowe, Brandon        Unknown, NA        M12   11:01:33.86
 305.Spedden, Janet       Clarksville, MD    F51   11:01:36.57
 306.Carlo, Jennifer      Unknown, NA        F49   11:01:37.91
 307.raymond, sara        Fulton, MD         F28   11:01:45.44
 308.Gessler, Katie       Ellicott City, MD  F18   11:01:46.24
 309.Strohmeyer, Jana     Unknown, NA        F36   11:01:56.42
 310.Bobrov, Boris        Unknown, NA        M32   11:01:59.33
 311.Tominack, Alan       Savage, MD         M36   11:02:00.32
 312.Anderson, Gregory    Columbia, MD       M46   11:02:34.74
 313.Buzzio, Beth Ann     West Friendship,MD F52   11:02:49.26
 314.Spedden, Elise       Clarksville, MD    F22   11:02:49.53
 315.Douglas, Katie       Columbia, MD       F31   11:03:15.82
 316.Lepore, Molly        Columbia, MD       F16   11:03:45.00
 317.Green, Tom           Columbia, MD       M59   11:03:47.84
 318.Friedman, Kate       Unknown, NA        F29   11:04:04.69
 319.O'Hare, Bill         Unknown, NA        M63   11:04:26.88
 320.Kablis, Patrick      Unknown, NA        M26   11:04:50.24
 321.Kablis, Emily        Unknown, NA        F22   11:04:50.59
 322.Carney, Teddy        Columbia, MD       M19   11:04:51.12
 323.Carney, Bonnie       Unknown, NA        F17   11:04:51.44
 324.Olson, John          Crofton, MD        M29   11:05:36.72
 325.Ringold, Terry       Unknown, NA        F57   11:05:38.65
 326.Cain, Terri L        Glen Burnie, MD    F35   11:05:47.34
 327.Klein, Teresa        Unknown, NA        F34   11:05:55.04
 328.Chang, Adam          Unknown, NA        M18   11:06:05.50
 329.May, William         Columbia, MD       M55   11:06:27.47
 330.Groman, Caitlin      Ellicott City, MD  F25   11:06:43.95
 331.Groman, Susan        Columbia, MD       F53   11:06:44.21
 332.Staveley, Judy       Unknown, NA        F37   11:06:50.18
 333.Thornton, John       Columbia, MD       M56   11:07:14.35
 334.Hansen, Mary Lynn    Woodstock, MD      F43   11:08:18.23
 335.Adams, Amber         Glenelg, MD        F35   11:08:44.49
 336.Adams, Gary          Glenelg, MD        M46   11:08:45.14
 337.Tripp, Jane          Ellicott City, MD  F10   11:09:43.37
 338.Tripp, Jason I       Ellicott City, MD  M37   11:09:44.50
 339.Goines, Lisa         Columbia, MD       F37   11:09:49.04
 340.Vassil, Hilary       Unknown, NA        F19   11:10:46.20
 341.Vassil, Karen        Unknown, NA        F48   11:10:46.50
 342.Anderson, Megan      Unknown, NA        F19   11:12:27.20
 343.Kinkead, Juliana     Unknown, NA        F20   11:12:27.54
 344.Lamonte, Joseph      Unknown, NA        M67   11:13:12.14
 345.McNeil, Michael      Unknown, NA        M40   11:14:07.85
 346.Tripp, Denise        Ellicott City, MD  F37   11:14:08.39
 347.Mandava, Asha        Unknown, NA        F38   11:14:32.40
 348.Mandava, Suneel      Unknown, NA        F36   11:14:32.68
 349.Enke, Joe            Unknown, NA        M27   11:19:24.64
 350.Zhang, Amy           College Park, MD   F22   11:21:26.89
 351.Gordon, Sharyn       Mitchellville, MD  F51   11:21:45.94
 352.Vanagas, Nicole      Elkridge, MD       F17   11:28:32.20
 353.Smith, Nicky         Unknown, NA        F16   11:28:33.03
 354.Esposito III, Joey J Elkridge, MD       M16   11:32:06.34
 355.Malinowski, Sarah    Unknown, NA        F16   11:32:08.58
 356.Tartanian, Aileen    Unknown, NA        F16   11:35:27.10
 357.Bernstein, Matthew   Columbia, MD       M12   11:35:27.50
 358.Diaz, Luis           Jessup, MD         M32   11:41:01.50

Legends of the Fall Series #8

Seventy-seven runners turned out for the eighth race in the Howard County Striders’ Fall Series at Lake Elkhorn November 22. Thirteen year old Michael Wegner set a new course record in the 2 mile race and Tasha Hogan just missed setting the course record for women. Karsten Brown and Ann Goodwin won the 5 mile race, which was being run for the first time due to construction on the 10K course.

Race Lead:  Greg Lepore

Volunteers:  Amelia Mullican, Norma Walker, Sari Chapman, Doug Sullivan

1. Michael Wegner 	10:47
2. Ted Poulos 		11:36
3. Stephen Olenick 	11:40
4. Luis Diaz 		12:13
5. John Chall 		12:14
6. Luis Navarro 	12:15
7. Tasha Hogan 		12:45
8. Gregg Ford 		12:48
9. David Jun 		13:13
10. Kevin Wegner 	13:14
11. Michael Smolyak 	14:08
12. Alan Murray 	15:11
13. Chris Farmer 	15:21
14. Bill Andrews 	15:31
15. Kathleen Wegner 	15:35
16. Alan Tominack 	15:39
17. Paul Wegner 	15:59
18. Danny Schofield 	16:16
19. Dee Nelson 		16:30
20. Roger Calvert 	17:05
21. Benjamin Drgon 	17:08
22. James Koo 		17:42
23. John Neal 		21:23
24. Tim Ramsey 		21:25
25. Jessica Stern 	22:09
26. Barbara Calvert 	23:24
27. Melinda Krummerich 	24:28
28. Sarah Moreau 	24:44
29. William Murray 	29:13
30. Diana Murray 	29:39
31. Brenda Lee 		41:49
32. April Lee 		41:50
1. Karsten Brown 	28:51
2. Greg Hogan 		30:37
3. Michael Dusenbery 	32:56
4. Greg Schuler 	33:35
5. John Way 		33:52
6. Donnie Chapman 	33:59
7. Richard Reinhardt 	36:24
8. Bill Farrel 		36:43
9. Robert Blanco 	36:58
10. Mike Hagan 		37:29
11. Mark Worley 	37:49
12. Chad Burger 	39:04
13. Dave Hogue 		39:38
14. Jon Palks 		39:44
15. Mike Fleming 	39:47
16. Mike Trott 		40:43
17. Nick Levintow 	41:06
18. Bjorn Moreau 	41:49
19. Jim Mahoney 	42:00
20. Len Guralnick 	43:42
21. Ann Goodwin 	44:19
22. Faye Weaver 	44:34
23. Nathan Gears 	44:37
24. Kelly Dixon 	44:38
25. Don Murphy 		45:59
26. Jack Klein 		46:59
27. Pat Brooks 		47:01
28. Emily Howe 		47:02
29. Ginger Rowley 	47:33
30. Caroline Manas 	49:11
31. Denise Hyde 	49:19
32. Terry Storms 	50:13
33. Sharlene Deskins 	50:32
34. Carole Coggeshall 	51:17
35. Amy Korman 		51:26
36. Lori Hatfield 	52:03
37. Phyllis Rich 	52:04
38. Jessica Hartranft 	54:29
39. Adam McNeil 	57:29
40. Lisa Ford 		57:56
41. Jennifer Lawrence 	58:20
42. Tevis McNeil 	1:00:34.0
43. Michael McNeil 	1:00:34.3
44. Bev Byron 		1:07:37
45. Kathleen Hrinkevich 1:07:38

Legends of the Fall Series #7

Seventy-one runners turned out on a warm Sunday afternoon for the seventh race in the Howard County Striders’ Fall Series at Atholton High School, November 15. Karsten Brown and Morgana D’Ottavi won the 5K race.

Race Lead:  Brian Fleming

Volunteers:  Mike Fleming, Robert Blanco, Glenda Rodriguez, Helena Solana, Brian Lawton, Kevin Spaulding

1. Karsten Brown 	17:05
2. James Blackwood 	17:44
3. Luis Diaz 		18:17
4. Stephen Olenick 	18:24
5. Greg Schuler 	19:08
6. John Chall 		19:21
7. Michael Dusenbery 	19:30
8. Seth Gersuk 		19:38
9. Gary Smolyak 	19:40
10. Steve Bohse 	19:47
11. Morgana D'Ottavi 	19:51
12. Bill Stahr 		19:53
13. John Way 		19:59
14. Donnie Chapman 	20:07
15. Yasuo Oda 		20:16
16. Richard Reinhardt 	20:44
17. David Jun 		20:53
18. Kirk Gordon 	21:28
19. Al Salerno 		21:38
20. Chris Farmer 	22:04
21. Greg Lepore 	22:13
22. Karen Young 	22:21
23. Bromley Lowe 	22:31
24. Bruce Worley 	22:33
25. Danny Schofield 	22:47
26. Natalie Smolyak 	23:03
27. Dave Hogue 		23:04
28. Ed Silverman 	23:16
29. Eric Johnston 	23:23
30. Geoff Baker 	23:24
31. Marsha Demaree 	23:29
32. Grace Tran 		24:31
33. Jon Palks 		24:53
34. Javier Ramos 	25:33
35. Sari Chapman 	25:59
36. Roger Calvert 	26:01
37. Rich Schofield 	26:16
38. Rasa Ghaffarian 	26:22
39. Faye Weaver 	26:23
40. Ann Goodwin 	26:24
41. Alan Tominack 	26:30
42. Doug Sullivan 	26:36
43. Dwight Mikulis 	26:37
44. Pat Brooks 		26:45
45. Jack Klein 		26:48
46. Nathan Gears 	26:51
47. James Koo 		26:57
48. Ginger Rowley 	27:12
49. Karen Harvey 	27:24
50. Sharlene Deskins 	28:19
51. Vijay Nallu 	29:02
52. Caroline Manas 	29:16
53. Charlie Riez 	29:17
54. Mimi Gears 		29:23
55. Amy Korman 		30:32
56. Lori Hatfield 	30:33
57. Robert Wasilewski 	31:06
58. No Name 		31:16
59. Anne Gugel 		31:17
60. Jen Blanco 		31:54
61. Trisha McLean 	32:07
62. Joe Broderick 	32:47
63. John Neal 		33:14
64. Jessica Stern 	33:23
65. Lisa Pellegrino 	34:29
66. Kathleen Hrinkerich 34:34
67. Dominique Lincoln 	36:51
68. Karen Denmark 	37:47
69. Barbara Calvert 	38:22
70. Melinda Krummerich 	39:02
71. Sarah Gettier 	39:59