Turkey Trot Prediction Run 10K
Thanksgiving Day: Thursday, November 28, 2024
Jeffers Hill Neighborhood Center
6031 Tamar Drive, Columbia, MD 21045
A prediction run is entirely different from other races that you’ve run in the past. Rather than finishing first or running the fastest, the object of a prediction run is to finish as close to a certain time as possible. In the case of the Howard County Striders prediction runs, the goal is to finish as close to 11:00am as possible. One way the Striders prediction runs differ from many other runs is that you get to start whenever you want – whoever finishes closest to 11:00am wins. Oh, and one important thing, you CANNOT use any sort of timing device. Also, no baby strollers, iPods, headphones or animals.
General Info
- Date: Thanksgiving Day
- Time: Start when you want. Closest finished to 11:00am wins!
- Distance: 10K
- Start/Finish Location: Jeffers Hill Neighborhood Center
Registration will begin at 9:00am and will close at 10:30am. All registration will be self registration via on-site laptops
Cash or checks (made payable to “Howard County Striders”) will be accepted [exact change please].
- HCS Member, full time student $1
- HCS Member $5
- HCS Member Family $10
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- Non-HCS Member , Full time student $2
- Non-HCS Member, $7
- Non-HCS Member family, $12
- Start/finish location: Jeffers Hill Neighborhood Center
- Parking is available in the lots surrounding Jeffers Hill Neighborhood Center and Elementary School as well as street parking along Majors Lane. PLEASE BE RESEPECTFUL TO NEIGHBORHOOD RESIDENTS WHEN PARKING ON THE STREET!