RRCA Club Challenge 10M

Date: Sunday, February 23rd, 2025

Howard Community College

The Club Challenge is an annual race between all RRCA running clubs in Maryland & the District

General Info

Annual Running: 45th!

Time: Race start is 8am – See Runner’s Guide for full schedule

Distance: 10M

Race Location:

Howard Community College
10901 Little Patuxent Parkway
Columbia, Maryland 21044

GPS Address for South Entrance: 10600 Hickory Ridge Road, Columbia, MD 21044

Runner’s Guide: 2025 Club Challenge Runners Guide


The course starts and finishes at Howard Community College in Columbia, Maryland.

For 2025 we are able to return to our home within the Athletics Building and finish within Lot H. Please note that the final 0.12mi of the finish will change position as Lot H now has a new shape due to the building construction. See Runner’s Guide for more details.

For the first 9.88mi, please reference the course map (USATF course number #MD10004JS)
View the course map



GenderYear SetClubRunnerGun TimeAvg. Pace
Male2020Falls Road RunningGarrett Corcoran00:50:35.345:04
Female2023Georgetown Running ClubKerry Allen00:58:03.315:49

Register: You will need your club coupon code to successfully complete the registration process

There is no walk-up registration.  There is no race day registration.  Once registration closes online [13 Feb 23:59], that’s it.  This cutoff is required in order to allow each club to perform a final review and validation of their runner’s roster, and provide time for reach-out ahead of the scoring team preparing systems and bibs for race morning PPU.

Registration Fee: $40 (Please note that many clubs partially subsidize their runners for this event. Race is limited to first 1000 runners and routinely sells out prior to race day. )

All registrants must be a member of an RRCA running club from Maryland or Washington, D.C.

To register and run this event, the following three criteria must be met:

  1. Valid and active membership in a MD or DC RRCA club at the time of registration
  2. Valid and active membership in a MD or DC RRCA club on race morning
  3. Be able to complete the 10 miles within the stated 2h10m cutoff time

… I think I already registered but can’t find my confirmation email. Is there a way to check? Yes, click here!

Packet Pickup

Packet pickup will take place only on race day at Howard Community College from 6:50am to 7:40am.



Race Location:

Howard Community College
10600 Hickory Ridge Road
Columbia, MD 21044


All participant parking will be in the West Garage. See map below.

Lots “F” and “G” will be closed and used for race activities. Lot “H” is closed for construction.


RRCA Club Challenge 10 Mile Results

We strive to post results within 24 hours of the event’s end


RRCA Club Challenge 10M Photos and Videos


RRCA Club Challenge 10M Team Awards

Team CategoryScoring
Overall6M, 6F scorers and 2M, 2F displacers
Male Overall6M scorers and 2M displacers
Female Overall6F scorers and 2F displacers
Male 1-394M scorers and 2M displacers
Female 1-394F scorers and 2F displacers
Male 40-494M scorers and 2M displacers
Female 40-494F scorers and 2F displacers
Male 50+4M scorers and 2M displacers
Female 50+4F scorers and 2F displacers

Note: There was a change to the scoring formula in 2020; the male counts for Co-ed and Male Overall have been adjusted to be equal to the female counts. Prior to 2020, male counts for Co-ed and Male Overall categories was 9p/3d.

Note: Beyond first male overall and first female overall, there are no individual runner awards at this race.


Sign up to volunteer: